Reopening Of Schools For Candidate Classes Hangs In Balance

Reopening Of Schools For Candidate Classes Hangs In Balance

Students in candidate classes and finalists in tertiary institutions might have to wait longer than expected before they can return to school as directed by President Museveni in his most recent address to the nation on 19th May.

Museveni tasked the Ministry of Education and Sports to work closely with the Ministry of Health and develop guidelines for safe reopening of schools for candidate classes.

However, according to Patrick Muinda, the Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Education, the press conference communicated by the Ministry of Education on 22nd May to issue guidelines for the reopening of schools will not be taking place.

The postponement he said was due to emerging issues that need multi stakeholder discussions before the Ministry can issue a final statement on reopening of schools.

“We wish to inform you that the press conference will not take place due to emerging issues that require further multi stakeholder discussions and concurrence before the Ministry can move to issue a final statement. A date for this press conference will be communicated in due course,” said Muinda in a statement.

While presenting the Ministry of Education performance report in regards to NRM 2016 manifesto at State House Entebbe on 23rd May, the First Lady and Education Minister Janet Museveni was asked when the schools would open and she only said soon.

“Well, I can say soon. It has to be soon. I can’t tell you exactly when. We are discussing and we have many concerns now. Before these children go back to school, we need to have all the answers ourselves so that we can guide the schools,” said Education Minister Janet Museveni.

She added, “We are having meetings internally and we are brainstorming on the guidelines to the schools, Head Teachers so that they know what we believe they must do for schools to be safe, for our children to be safe. But I am sorry I can’t tell you exactly when.”

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