Kabale University’s Congratulatory Message to HE The President Upon The 57th Independence Anniversary

Kabale University’s Congratulatory Message to HE The President Upon The 57th Independence Anniversary

Baca Juga


The University Council, Senate, Management, Staff and Students of Kabale University extend their highest regards and Congratulations to H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the President of the Republic of Uganda and the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Chairman upon the 57th Independence Anniversary.

Kabale University as one of the newly established  Public Universities in Uganda, wish to express our many and sincere thanks to the President of the Republic of Uganda H.E Yoweri  Kaguta Museveni for his personal role in transforming Kabale University from Private to Public Status.  Our sincere appreciation also goes to the First Lady and Hon. Minister of Education and Sports for the support offered towards the development of Kabale University.

Kabale University has flourished under the good leadership of H.E the President of the Republic of Uganda, in particular we would like to sincerely appreciate H.E the President for the outstanding service delivery in transforming different sectors and education in particular

We pledge our support and commitment to fulfill our vision and mission

Long Live YOUR Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda

Long Live Kabale University.

The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni together with University Management, touring the stalls during the launch of the University Annual Open Day May


VISION: A sustainable vibrant Centre of excellence in teaching, learning, research and community service in the Great Lakes Region and beyond

MISSION: To be an efficient pro-people University that excels in generation and dissemination of relevant knowledge and policies for skills development and attitude change for sustainable learning environment


Kabale University is located in the South-Western Part of Uganda, Kabale district, Kabale Municipality, Kikungiri Hill, about one kilometer off Kabale-Katuna Highway. The University opened its gates in 2002 as a Community Institution with forty-two students and presently the University has student enrolment of about 3000 students, coming from all parts of Uganda and the neighboring countries of Kenya, Tanzania-Zanzibar, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (DRC) and Southern Sudan. Kabale University was formally established as a Public University in 2015, under statutory instruments No. 36 of 16th July 2015 under universities and other tertiary institutions Act (2001) (amended 2003 and 2006).

Kabale University is composed of Faculties of Science, Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art, Education, Computing, Library and Information Science, Arts and Social Sciences and Institute of Languages.

Kabale University has registered many achievements, culminating in the grant of a Charter Certificate No. UI.CH.008 dated 29th September 2014. The Charter was assented to by the President of the Republic of Uganda on 25th October 2015. Kabale University is therefore a unique Institution in Uganda, which enjoys the status of being the first of its kind to metamorphose from Private-Public and having been granted Charter – the last stage of accreditation by the National Council for Higher Education.


Kabale University, has WELL EQUIPPED COMPUTER LABORATORIES with well qualified technical staff who guarantee hands-on experience. A crosscutting course in computer literacy is compulsory for all students in order to make Kabale University graduates competitive and up to date with current advancements in technology.  Students access Wi-Fi internet across the Campus which allows them access to e-resources.

WELL EQUIPED SCIENCE LABORATORIES ensure hands-on skills for students pursuing science related programs like Science with Education, Engineering and Health Sciences.


A WELL STOCKED LIBRARY: Kabale University has a well stocked library with a variety of text books and e-library resources.



INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: Kabale University has embarked on infrastructure development


The recently completed General lecture hall Building



Students who are admitted to Kabale University have a number of opportunities:

Students can access government sponsorship on merit and district quota in different Academic programs. Currently, students admitted to Education, Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science programs qualify for these scholarships.

Students can access study Loans from the government of Uganda through the Higher Education Students Financing Board.

The University offers scholarships and these include Rev. Karibwije work and study scholarship scheme and Kigezi districts student’s scholarship scheme.

Some Kabale University Students get scholarships from various entities including:

State House, Kigezi Development Forum, French Embassy, Madivan Foundation, Mughinga Community development Foundation, Muhairwe Education Trust Limited, Barclays Bank, Kabale Rotary Club and Uganda Reproductive Maternal and Child Health services.

Study Environment: Given the location of the University, the environment is conducive characterized by cool weather which enables students to concentrate on their studies.

Staffing: Kabale University ensures that quality education is offered to students admitted to different academic programs. The University has endeavored to recruit qualified and experienced staff, with the deliberate focus on Professors and PhD holders in the different academic fields.



School/Faculty/Institute & Academic Programmes
Master of Public Health
Master of  medicine: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Master of MEDICINE : Peadiatrics and Child Health
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Direct & Diploma Entry)
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Direct Entry)
Bachelor of Nursing Science – (Completion/Diploma Entry)
Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (Diploma Entry)
Diploma in Anaesthesia (Diploma Entry)
Diploma in Health Services Management
Master of Arts in Educational Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Bachelor of Science with Education:
Physical (physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer education)
Biological (biology, chemistry)
Economics (economics, mathematics, geography)
Bachelor of Arts with Education (History, Geography, Religious Studies, English Language Studies, Literature in English, French, Kiswahili, Runyakitara)
Bachelor of Education – Secondary
Bachelor of Education – Primary
Diploma in Education – Primary
Bachelor of Science with Education
Biological (biology, chemistry)
Physical (physics, mathematics, chemistry)
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Land Use Planning and Management
Bachelor of Agribusiness
Diploma in Environment Science
Pre-University Science programme (physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology)
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Bachelor of Records and Information Management
Diploma in Records Management
Diploma in Library and Information Science
Diploma in Computer Science
Diploma in Information Technology
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Applied Design and Fine Art
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Mechanical  Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management
Master of Arts in Public Administration & Management
Master of  Business Administration (with Options:  Human Resource  Management; Accounting; Procurement; Finance and Banking)
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (with Options:  Accounting; Marketing; Banking)
Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bachelor of Public Administration and Management
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Diploma in Social Work and Social Administration
Diploma in Business Administration and Management
Diploma in Public Administration and management
Diploma in Tourism
Diploma in Hotel Management

For more information contact us;

Email info@kab.ac.ug, Tel:0486426463 website www.kab.ac.ug

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