Gov’t Warns Media Against Tribal Statements After Bobi Wine Rant

Gov’t Warns Media Against Tribal Statements After Bobi Wine Rant

Government has issued a strong warning to all media houses against airing views that create hatred and divisions amongst Ugandans expressed by politicians.

The Minister of ICT and National Guidance Judith Nabakooba while addressing journalists in Kampala on Sunday said such programming will not be tolerated.

“Many talk shows on radio and televisions are using hate speech. That has potential to cause political and tribal hatred and this must stop immediately. I want to warn all media houses that this kind of programming will not be allowed,” said Nabakooba.

“Political campaigns on all media houses have to be conducted in a manner which is acceptable. There are minimum broadcasting standards which all broadcasters know. We believe that such standards must be adhered to,” she added.

The warning came just a day after a tribally charged rant by Presidential hopeful Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu (Bobi Wine).

“While appearing on CBS FM on Saturday, Bobi Wine revealed that the amount of support he currently has in Buganda region is lower than he deserved.

Bobi Wine said he felt disappointed by Baganda tribesmen who don’t support him and those that continue to fight his political ambitions.

Yet, according to Bobi Wine, people from Buganda continue to be segregated by others around the country.

“I want to tell you; we are being segregated. That is why I feel so bad when I don’t get the love that I should be getting here at home. You saw what happened to Zaake (Mityana Municipality MP); he was tortured and his only crime was being a Muganda. These same men tortured us, they squeezed us with pliers and our only case was the shape of our noses. My people, you have to wake up. You cannot hate us because the other side they don’t like us,” he said.

Meanwhile, Nabakooba also warned against processions that follow politicians to and from the talk shows.

“Any form of large gatherings, motorcade, bodaboda escorts that accompany politicians to and from their talk shows will not be allowed. After these talk shows, we expect them (politicians) to move majestically to wherever they are going but we will not allow processions,” said Nabakooba.

Bobi Wine was on Saturday followed by a huge number of bodaboda riders to and from the talk show on CBS.

Mass gatherings have been prohibited by Government in an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

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