What is white privilege?

What is white privilege?

White privilege


We learned your English

We learned Dutch 

We learned your Portuguese 

You learned our nothing and you called us stupid.

That’s white privilege.

And I’m sure it probably hurts for you to hear those two words, more  like gunshots and explosions 

From those commissioned to protect you but didn’t, whisking past your ears… 

What is white privilege?

It is the only five decades of legal acknowledgement expected to correct 400 years of white transgression.

Its crack versus cocaine

Blacks receiving almost 20% longer sentences for the same exact offences or like for instance, A black man without a record is less likely to get a job than a white fellas or maybe it’s because we are lazy and we don’t work hard enough. 

It is the one black child who beat the out of the odds. But only thanks to Sandra Bullock, Michelle Figer and the white shadow. So how we all can make it. It is the only time, thousands of white people are cheering for the black kid to win, it is in the stadium.

It is you looking at me crazy but if I told to go back to Europe even though we didn’t  have a say. It’s you all of a sudden having a problem with immigration like, this isn’t even your nation. How the hell do you, discover some shit that wasn’t even missing to begin with, you Columbused our traditions.

I make you uncomfortable, try a cramped slave ship but wait, slavery is over now, it’s just called the prison system cause like you are not racist cause you don’t use the N word but you all use nigga everyday 

What is white privilege?

It’s European history being taught as a major and African as an Elective. It is learning about my people for only 28 days like I’m not black every second as every white boy, who want to pluck my braids out not because I’m pretty but because I’m pretty for a black girl.

It is people thinking that Africa is one nation, is the waving of the Confederate flag like you did not lose the battle and then telling us to get over slavery.

It is people saying that black people destroy neighbourhood but forgetting that white people have destroyed continents.

What is white privilege?


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