Keep ‘Crampy Christmas’ at Bay With These Home Remedies

Keep ‘Crampy Christmas’ at Bay With These Home Remedies


There is nothing that ruins Christmas like ‘that time of the month’ when you wake up so crampy, cranky and any other term that describes a bad mood.

It’s inevitable since we can’t control it but there are ways to handle it so we don’t have to spoil other people’s merry making.

Here is a guide by Dr Julius Kusemererwa on how to tame menstrual cramps using usual home supplies. Kusemererwa notes that pain killers may reduce the pain but will have side effects in the long run so using natural remedies is the best option.

Hot water

A hot water bottle placed on your lower belly will lessen the pain.

He explains thus, “drinking hot water or alternatively putting it in a hot water bottle and placing it on the lower belly can reduce the pain. You can also soak warm water in a cloth and press it on the stomach. This will relax the tensed up muscles and reduce pain.”


Kusemererwa notes that it’s scientifically proven that physical exercises reduce all sorts of body pain. These will improve the movement in the stomach muscles hence reduce on the pain. Exercises like sit ups and squats are a good option. Yoga is an ideal practice too.

Lemon and ginger

The two have natural medicinal components that will reduce any kind of pain. Mix them in hot water and take as tea. Too much sugar is not advisable.

Dietary Supplements.

Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-6 and magnesium supplements may reduce menstrual cramps so one can incorporate them in their diet to reduce cramps.

Avoid fats

He notes that fatty foods, alcohol and salty meals will increase the chances of one getting menstrual pains. Lean proteins like fish, chicken and eggs should replace your usual fats in preparation for your cycle.

Drink plenty of water

Among other home remedies, keeping the body hydrated is key.

Hot Baths

Just like drinking hot water, a hot bath will help to relax your muscles therefore ease the cramping.

Hormonal Birth Control

This should only be prescribed by a medical personnel and not grabbed over the counter. Consult your doctor for the best option.

Get enough Rest

Drift to sleep and let the pain drift away.

You might want to sacrifice the fun at the hangouts for a needed long rest. This will lessen the muscle contraction that causes cramping.

Avoid Caffeine

The body needs to rest to lessen the pain so cutting out caffeine and all alcoholic  drinks will be a great deal of self help.

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