KCCA Cabinet Mulls Suspension of Business Taxes Till December

KCCA Cabinet Mulls Suspension of Business Taxes Till December

Kampala Capital city Authority (KCCA) Cabinet under Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has come up with a number of proposals to be implemented in order to ensure business continuity, especially those affected by   COVID19 pandemic.

Lukwago revealed that the decisions were reached after thoroughly assessing the effects of COVID19 to the business community.

Among the suggestions that will be presented to the council include the suspension of collection or enforcement of trade licenses up to 31st December 2020 as a requirement for operating a business in Kampala.

There was also a suggestion to suspend collection and enforcement of Market dues or commercial operating dues for businesses operating in markets and other gazetted areas up to 31st December 2020.

Lukwago says it would be unfair to continue levying taxes on businesses which have been greatly affected by the Coronavirus.

Hon Doreen Nyanjura, the Executive Secretary for Finance & Administration for KCCA says although these measures are most likely to affect the anticipated revenues for Kampala, they will work out innovative mechanisms of covering this shortfall.

She added that they are going to sit down with the Technical wing to find a way forward.

KCCA has an annual budget of 521 billion shillings out of which 100 billion shillings is raised from Local Revenue.

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