Kiir Convenes Allies to Decide on Number of States

Kiir Convenes Allies to Decide on Number of States

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has summoned his political allies to discuss and decide on the number states, which is delaying the formation of transitional government of national unity.

A public announcement made by the Minister in the Office of the President, Mayiij Ayii Deng invited the allies, all civil and military appointees, to avail themselves to State House on Saturday morning, before Kiir returns to Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

“This is to inform all the government officials listed below to avail themselves for an important meeting tomorrow Saturday, 15th of February, 2020 in State House (j1) at 10:00Am,” said the invitation sent out on Friday evening.

The invited include all presidential advisors, all ministers, members of ruling SPLM political bureau and the leadership of other political parties allied to government, Members of Parliament and Council of states.

Other persons invited are Chief of Defense Forces and all his assistants, Inspector General of Police, Director General of General Intelligence Bureau, Director General of Internal Security Bureau and members of all media houses.

Kiir, who wants to maintain 33 states against the armed opposition’s position of 10 states, last weekend requested to be given time to consult the population.

South Sudan originally had 10 states before the breaking of the civil war in December 2013. In 2015, president Kiir made a unilateral decision increasing the number of states to 33. Opposition strongly opposed the move and called for the return to 10 states.

The IGAD council of ministers and envoys recommended 23 states but both parties rejected it.

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Sudan Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar are expected to return to Addis Ababa today to conclude on the matter.

Security arrangements and the deployment of the UNMISS troops in the major towns, civilian centers, and the lifeline routes as demanded by the SPLA-IO, was also deferred to be decided today.

The 100 days extension, which was meant to buy time to resolve the contentious matters, is expiring is soon expiring on Tuesday.


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