I Didn’t Fight for an Individual – Gen. Muntu On Museveni Calling UPDF His Army 

I Didn’t Fight for an Individual – Gen. Muntu On Museveni Calling UPDF His Army 

The National Coordinator of Alliance for National Transformation (ANT), RTD. Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu has critiqued President Yoweri Museveni for often referring to the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) as his army.

Muntu expressed the concern at the requiem mass of fellow comrade in arms and 2016 Presidential contestant, Rtd. Maj. Gen. Benon Biraaro, at All Saints Cathedral in Kampala on February 14 2020.

The mass was attended among others by the current Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen. David Muhoozi and State Minister for Defense and Veteran Affairs Bright Rwamirama as well as scores of serving and retired members of the armed forces.

Some of the dignitaries that attended the service

Muntu, who served as Army Commander from 1989 to 1998, said the term itself was disrespectful of those who put their lives on the line to fight for a just cause.

“When I went to the bush I didn’t go to fight for an individual. I went to fight for a cause. When we were in NRA, we were not a personal army, we were a national army. When it turned to UPDF as it is now, it’s not a personal army,” he noted.

Muntu says he remains confused to date as to whether the President’s continuous usage of ‘my army’ is bent on psychologically scaring his opponents or reflects the reality on ground.

“If it does turn into reality; it will be unfortunate for those of us who have served, those who are dead and those who are still living,” he added.

Passing on his message to the president through army chiefs present, Muntu said he had longed for an answer from his commander in chief whom he last met in 2005 at State House Nakasero.

On the deceased; Gen Muntu extolled Maj. Gen. Biraaro for exercising a high level of integrity and Professionalism while in active service, which was why many Ugandans were hurt by his demise.

This he said was testimony that although some Ugandans are growing resentful of talk around the guerrilla struggle, they appreciate the efforts of some.

“If you looked at social media, the number of people who are giving him credit; you know right now those of us who went to the bush are not the most popular guys around town,” Muntu pointed out.

Chief of Defense Forces (CDF) Gen. David Muhoozi lays a wreath on the casket of Maj.Gen Benon Biraaro

On his part, Gen David Muhoozi the CDF hailed Biraaro for his exemplary leadership wherever he was deployed and commitment to the army.

Although highly educated, Muhoozi said, Biraaro’s way of doing things was quite different from that of colleagues who were largely political activists.

He also poured praise on the way he conducted himself following his decision to join active politics.

“He demonstrated that politics could be without; abuse without hate, without contempt, without threats,” Muhoozi observed.

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