Zari alaze enjawulo y’okwagala omusajja olwa laavu ne ssente, awadde abantu amagezi ku ngeri y’okunoonya omuntu omutuufu mu bulamu

Zari alaze enjawulo y’okwagala omusajja olwa laavu ne ssente, awadde abantu amagezi ku ngeri y’okunoonya omuntu omutuufu mu bulamu



Zari agambye nti, “Okkkkkk lets have a one on one
It has become a habit in society that we tend to judge people’s relationship in one way or another. I said ‘we’ including myself because I ain’t no saint, and at times I have fallen into the trap and not so positive way of thinking.
Matters of the heart are complicated to some extent that are beyond our understanding.
For example
When a young girl dates an older man she is instantly branded a gold digger, when an older woman dates a younger man, she is a Craddle Snatcher or maybe a desperate person.

When a woman or man dates someone more financially established by status quo this becomes a case of “you are after her or his money”. When you date a not so good looking man or woman that also raises a-few eyebrows because society kinda narrows you down depending on your status. Eg: A doctor or pilot, or oh no she sells at a market stall you can’t be dating such?!?! When your man or woman isn’t up to your standards, its a conversation of “levels”. Oh she or he can’t fit in with us. There are questions like; what does he or she do for a living, who are in her/his circle?!? This convoluted discussions and saga continues……. Love is and should be unconditional, love can be found in the most bizarre places with the least expected person. Its not the status nor the levels, not the financial stability or the public elevated status the list cld go on. I wana hear from you.
Do these points mentioned have a factor when you decide to love someone?“.

The post Zari alaze enjawulo y’okwagala omusajja olwa laavu ne ssente, awadde abantu amagezi ku ngeri y’okunoonya omuntu omutuufu mu bulamu appeared first on Galaxy FM 100.2.

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