Rukungiri: Ex-Police Officer Remanded for Kidnap

Rukungiri: Ex-Police Officer Remanded for Kidnap

Rukungiri Grade I magistrates court has charged and remanded a retired police officer, who is accused of kidnapping four members of one family.

The suspect, 42-year-old Milton Byamugisha is alleged to have kidnapped the wife and three children of a court registrar.

Prosecution told court on Thursday that on July 10th 2020    former special police constable Byamugisha, while at Nyamazi cell in the Southern Division Rukungiri municipality, using motor vehicle number UAX136A kidnapped Sylivia Kyomugisha the wife of Didas Muhumuza, the Kabale high court assistant registrar and her children Mary Kiara Ahumuza, Elizabeth Ampereza, and Esther Kyomugisha.

The magistrate remanded the suspect to Rukungiri central prison till August 12th 2020 when the case will come up for hearing.

Speaking to reporters after the court session, Didas Muhumuza said to this date his wife and children have never surfaced.

He says he is in fear that they might have been killed.

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