Why should a Christian give a portion of their finances to God?

Why should a Christian give a portion of their finances to God?

Baca Juga

Why should a Christian Give a portion of His/Her Finances to God?

Here we find only instance in the Bible where God actually challenges us to test him. And the involves the giving of our financial resources.
Tithing has a Long History. The word tithe actually means “one -tenth.”
 In the Old Testament, Abraham presented a tithe to the priest-king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18-20.
Jacob also pledged to of God a tithe of all his possessions upon his safe return home. ” Genesis 28:22.”
In the New Testament, Jesus mentioned it as well, though He warned that strict tithing must accompany concern for the more important demands of the law -namely those which dealt with just and merciful living “Mathew 23:23 and Luke 11:42.”
Important of tithing to a Christian
Tithing strengthens the church
The “tithe was for the house of the Lord.” For the old Testament believers, this means the financial support of the temple and the priest.
In the New Testament, tithe meant support of the church. As a Christian, it’s vitually important that we become an active part of a local body of believers. As part of that body  we should support the ministry of our church on regular basis with our tithe and offerings.
Secondly, tithing brings God’s blessings 
This brings us to God’s personal challenge. If we are faithful to keep our priorities in order, God promises to “open the windows of heaven” for us and provide for our needs. But this does not mean that God will provide everything we want. God only promises to provide for our need, not just what we want.
God is not asking us to give because he needs our resources. The whole world is at his disposal. In essence he is challenging us to make Him the focus of our lives, rather than our money or possessions. He does not want us to “give to get” but to give because we have received.
When we express our love to God by giving our resources, he promises to tangibly display his faithfulness to us in return.
One could ask, “how much should we give?
When you question how much of your income should be spent on God’s work, remember this promise from the book of Proverbs11:25 “The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
In Mark 12:41-44, Generosity is not the size of the gift itself you are giving, but by the motivation.
In this story we seem how Jesus valved to small offering of the poor widow over the large sums of money from the wealthy people.
Jesus knew that she had given all she had. He could see that her heart was in the right place.
The great Psalmist David, king of Israel, said he would not give to the Lord that which cost him nothing. In other words we are not to give “leftovers” to God, but our best.
After all, he gave us his best when he sent us his own dear son to die in our place . “John 3:16” Therefore our attitude towards giving should be that of a generous giver.
All photos by Esther Namutamba 

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