US, UK, Norway Tip South Sudan Leaders on Sustaining Unity Government

US, UK, Norway Tip South Sudan Leaders on Sustaining Unity Government

The governments of United States, United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Norway have congratulated South Sudan rival parties for forming transitional government of national unity and tipped them on the route to success.

The three nations, jointly known as Torika, released a statement on Sunday, a day after the creation of the unity government.

“The Troika congratulates the people of South Sudan and the parties to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) on the announcement of the formation of an inclusive transitional government on February 22,” said part of the statement.

The formation of the transitional government had been postponed twice owing to the disagreements over the number of states and security arrangements. President Salva Kiir took it upon himself and conceded government position on the number of states, which paved way for the new government in which former rebel leader, Dr. Riek Machar became the first vice president.

“We welcome the fact that the government and opposition parties have made the necessary compromises to allow this important step,” added statement.

The three nations appealed to parties to collaborate, actively engage each other and accord the population freedom of expression for the transitional government to succeed.

“For the transitional period to be a success, a spirit of continuous collaboration, supported by the active, engaged, and free voices of citizens and civil society, must continue.”

They noted that nearly nine years since South Sudan’s independence, the new government is the opportunity for leaders to take their country forward towards prosperity and peace by making meaningful progress on security sector arrangements, the reform agenda, transitional justice and accountability, and preparations for credible and safe elections.

Troika also commended the work of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as a guarantor of the R-ARCSS and promised support for the new government.

“We are committed to working with the new transitional government, IGAD, and other regional and international partners to support the people of South Sudan in their pursuit of peace and stability.”

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