Schools Relax Cutoff Points for S.5

Schools Relax Cutoff Points for S.5

Secondary schools have relaxed the cutoff points for Senior 5 entrants who sat the 2019 Uganda Certificate of Education examinations (UCE) contrary to what was expected.

The selection and placement exercise that is ongoing at UMA show grounds Lugogo has seen not only secondary schools reduce cutoff points but also teacher’s colleges and Technical Institutes.

Makerere College is taking students with up to Agg 17 for boys and 19 for girls as opposed to 16 and 18 respectively for last year.

Nabisunsa Girls Secondary school has taken students with up to 18 as opposed to 17 for last year.

Ndejje SS is taking students with up to 17 as opposed 16 for last year.

Soroti SS has taken students with up 52 for both girls and boys.

Other schools lowered their points for both boys and girls as follows

St Kagwa Bushenyi High School – 28.

Sacred Heart Secondary school Mushanga – 29.

Kibubura girls secondary school in Ibanda – 39.

Kyambogo College school – 34 for boys and 42 for girls.

St Peter’s SS Nsambya – 27 for girls and 25 for boys.

Mbale SS – 46 for girls and 37 for boys.

Bishop’s Secondary school Mukono – 40

Nkutu Memorial SS in Bugweri – 50

Kiyunga SS in Luuka – 40.

Naigana SS in Kagadi district –  55 for boys and 57 for girls.

Budini SS in Kaliiro district – 44 for boys and 48 for girls.

Butebo SS in Tororo – 55.

St Jerom SS Ndama in Rukungiri – 44

Arua public school – 41 or boys and 49 for girls.

Buswale SS in Namayingo district – 50 for boys and 54 for girls.

St Mary’s Girl’s SS Madera in Soroti – 43

Busaana SS in Kayunga -56

Gulu SS – 49

Gulu Army SS – 57 for girls and 51 for boys.

Koro SS in Omoro district – 57

Sir Samuel Baker SS Gulu – 44

Kitara SS in Hoima – 55.

Technical Institutes and Primary Teachers Colleges

Iganga Technical Institute – 32

St Kizito Technical Institute in Soroti -38

St Joseph’s Technical Institute Kisubi – 30

Kotido PTC has taken students with up to 41 aggregates for girls and 35 for boys.

Bulera PTC in Hoima – 56 for girls and 53 for boys.

A total of 100580 students are expected to be placed in Universal Secondary Schools (USE), 20610 expected to be placed under non USE, 4100 under BTVET (Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training), 8319 under PTC (Primary Teachers Colleges) and 74040 under private schools making a total of 207,649.

However, most private schools are not registered for selection and the number of private schools which participated in the activity is less than the number of private schools in the country.

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