In new hit, Walukagga lashes out at BoU officials (video)

In new hit, Walukagga lashes out at BoU officials (video)

Kandongo Kamu singer, Mathias Walukagga has hit out at Bank of Uganda officials in a new song titled; “Akanyomonyomo”.

In the song, Walukagga argues that some officials at the central bank appear to be working against the interests of the country citing the closure of some banks notably, Crane Bank.

Without naming anybody in particular, Walukagga says BoU bosses have not learnt from past mistakes.

He says they are like mourners who take advantage of night darkness to engage in reckless sex even when it is clear that the deceased died of HIV Aids.

Wondering why people never learn from past mistakes, Walukagga refers to a sinking “ship” which goes under and in the process inflicting losses to both perpetrators of the mistakes and the innocent ones sailing in it.

The song features footage of Bank of Uganda officials before the committee of COSASE.

These include Justine Bagyenda, the former executive director in charge of supervision of commercial bank and Dr Louis Kasekende, the former deputy governor of bank of Uganda.

Walukagga predicts that the population to finally get angry and bring those officials, who have misused public resources, to account.

“Their actions at the Bank of Uganda and the way they steal people assets through trickery will one day lead them into trouble,” he sings in one of the lines.

Yet beyond lashing out at the central bank, Akanyomonyomo has a political message and implores leaders to listen to the people they lead and not to act with impunity.


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