Measles/Rubella Immunization Side Effects Exaggerated – Aceng

Measles/Rubella Immunization Side Effects Exaggerated – Aceng

Minister of health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng yesterday clarified on reports of children that developed side effects arising from the recently concluded countrywide mass measles Rubella vaccination exercise.

The exercise which was launched in Mayuge district on 15th October this year saw a total of 19,476,110 children vaccinated, well above the targeted 18,100,000.

However, out of 19 million children immunized, 90 were reported to have developed side effects which included swelling at the injection site, mild rash and fever among others.

Minister Aceng says however that out of 90 reported cases, only two have been hospitalized while others were treated and are fine.

She also clarified that rash was expected because the immunisation was against measles and Rubella and added that like any other pharmaceutical drug, developing a side effect was expected

She noted that the admitted children belong to one family and there is need to investigate and find out why.

“The children we have admitted belong to one family and it is from that family where we lost a child”

“Why is it not affecting other families? We need to answer that question and it can only be answered when we investigate and find out the cause,” she said

In order to strengthen the achievements of mass measles/Rubella vaccination campaign, Aceng said her ministry together with partners such as WHO and GAVI continue to intensify routine immunization and will work towards making a second dose of measles/ Rubella vaccine available in a near future.

“The second dose of measles/Rubella vaccine is intended to reduce risk and increase protection against measles and Rubella and save the country repetitive and costly mass vaccination”

“The ministry of health would like to reiterate that all vaccines administered are prequalified by World Health Organization (WHO) and are safe, effective and efficacious,” she added

On the matter that some children were not vaccinated, Aceng clarified that vaccines were for all children except those suffering from deadly diseases such as cancer as admitted at Uganda cancer institute.

“Children that are always exempt are those in UCI (Uganda cancer institute) because of cancer. Otherwise, vaccines are for all children” said Aceng

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