Police Clears UPC National Delegates Conference

Police Clears UPC National Delegates Conference

The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) Party can now breathe a sigh of relief after receiving clearance to proceed with its National Delegates Conference at Kasangati Resort Hotel in Wakiso.

Earlier, there had been fears that the event which intends to approve James Akena’s bid for Presidency had been stopped by a court order issued yesterday.

The said court order purportedly halted the conference and also banned the party from transacting business on their Orient Bank Account until their case with Prof Edward Kakonge is disposed of.

However, a July 30 2020 letter seen by Chimp Reports shows that the function has been given a go-ahead by Assistant Inspector General of Police (IGP) Edward Ochom.

According to this letter, the UPC function can go ahead as long as Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures are observed.

“This is to inform you that the conduct of the planned delegate’s conference should strictly be in line with the provisions of the Statutory Instrument Supplement No.27 of 27th July 2020,” Ochom states.

“You are to work with the Territorial Police Command and Local Authorities in advance to ensure all measures are in place prior to any activity,” he adds.

Speaking to this website on Saturday, the Party’s Secretary General Micheal Osinde Orach said as far as he knew, the party had not received any court order to the effect.

“We don’t know how it looks like. I challenge them to quote which process server delivered it and to whom,” Osinde responded.

“We are not aware of the court order that’s why the process you are seeing is going on normally,” he stated further.

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