RWANDA: Where is EALA Speaker Martin Ngoga?

RWANDA: Where is EALA Speaker Martin Ngoga?

On Friday, February 21, East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) lawmakers gathered in Arusha for a plenary session.

Speaker Martin Ngoga was in a jovial mood. He called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.

High on the agenda was the presentation of a report by the Accounts Committee.

The 200-page report was presented by five members during the session that started at 2:00pm till 7:00pm.

Members discussed how Projects and Programmes continue to face challenges of low absorption due to delayed or non-remittance of funds by partner states.

Lawmakers also learnt about understaffing with a total of 54% of all envisaged positions in the staffing component across all Organs and Institutions yet to be filled.

Ngoga was said to be in a jolly mood. He also looked energetic as he facilitated EALA business.

Ngoga, according to close associates, later left Arusha for Kigali, Rwanda to attend to “a personal issue.”

Surprisingly, that was the last time EALA heard from him. Almost a week down the road, many lawmakers have tried to reach him in vain.

“This is a time when we are having intense business at EALA. Plenary is sitting and committees are discussing reports. It is a very busy week,” said a Kenyan lawmaker on Thursday morning.

“We are waiting for him (Ngoga) to return but in the meantime, we elected someone to steer EALA business,” the MP added, preferring anonymity to avoid retribution.

 Rwandan is yet to give an official explanation as to what happened to Ngoga.

However, Rwandan lawmakers pushed for their national Fatima Ndangiza to temporarily replace Ngoga.

The Rwandan MPs said Ngoga was “not available” to conduct EALA business without providing more details.

Contacted, EAC Secretary General Liberat Mfumukeko told ChimpReports that, “The rules of Assembly allow a temporary replacement through a vote … and that was done.”

He added: “Hon. Leontine Nzeyimana (Burundi) was the one elected.”

Asked about the whereabouts of Ngoga, Mfumukeko, who was attending a meeting, promised to revert.

He had not yet called back when we posted this story on Thursday morning.

Nevertheless, Ngoga’s absence from duty has fuelled speculation in corridors of EAC headquarters and in capitals of partner states.

ChimpReports failed to reach Ngoga on his cellphone.

We also sent an email to his official address which was yet to be responded to.

Ngoga was in 2017 elected Speaker of EALA, defeating Burundi’s Leontine Nzeyimana. At the time, Rwanda’s relations with Burundi had worsened.

Ngoga immediately took a reconciliatory tone and rallied for unity and teamwork

“I can only assure you Hon Members that I will provide the leadership you deserve in order to perform our statutory functions with which we are tasked to take our integration process to another level”, Ngoga said then.

“I will spare no efforts to provide the leadership you need to maintain high moral standing for us to confidently exercise oversight to other Institutions of the Community,” he added.

Three years on the job, Ngoga seems to be out.


At EALA, MPs are wondering what befell Ngoga.

“If he were sick, the Assembly should have been notified officially,” said an EALA lawmaker.

“What we have now is speculation about Ngoga’s health; and about his whereabouts. There is something we are yet to understand.”

The unfolding developments in Arusha come at a time President Paul Kagame is trying to keep a tight grip on his officials especially in security and foreign affairs.

Rwandan dissidents have in recent years stepped up mobilisation to topple Kagame.

Kagame’s former right-hand man, Eugene Gasana, who previously served as Rwanda’s envoy to United Nations, defected to the opposition.

This caused unease in Kigali, forcing Kagame to carry out regular reshuffles.

Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Richard Sezibera was last year removed from his position – less than a year on the job, replacing him with Vincent Biruta.

Sezibera reportedly suffered a mini-stroke. Government did not issue a statement about his health.

In Ngoga’s case, MPs say they didn’t receive communication about his alleged health issues or whereabouts.

MPs also wondered why Rwanda did not object to his replacement by a Burundian.


Prior to his election as Speaker in 2017, Ngoga served in the third Assembly.

He was previously Prosecutor General in Rwanda.

Ngoga also was elected and confirmed by the congress of the global football body as deputy Chairman of the FIFA Ethics Committee in charge of investigatory chamber for a four-year term.

The independent Ethics Committee is one of FIFA’s judicial bodies primarily responsible for investigating possible infringements of the FIFA Code of Ethics.

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