Janet: Schools to Reopen on April 27

Janet: Schools to Reopen on April 27

In an effort to contain the spread of COVID 19 pandemic, President Museveni on 18th March 2020 ordered all schools and tertiary institutions to close down for 32 days. 

The Minister of Education and Sports who doubles as First Lady Janet Museveni said on Saturday evening that her Ministry has directed all education institutions not to levy any extra fees in all education institutions following the resumption of education programs in the current school term or semester.

The 30 days of closure of schools will end on the 20 April 2020.

The First Lady said at the right time, the Government will inform the public the date of reopening but added that it will most likely be 27 April 2020.

“Our planning is that if everything goes according to plan, God willing, pre-primary, primary, secondary schools and Primary Teachers Colleges will open for continuation for Term one on the 27th of April 2020 up to 12th June 2020,” she said.

The total number of Coronavirus infections in Uganda remain at 48 after all 398 samples tested negative at the Uganda Virus Research Institute on Saturday.   

“Todate, a cumulative of 2,629 samples have been tested for COVID19. The total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the country still stands at 48,” said Dr Henry Mwebesa, Director General Health Services.

In a televised address, Janet said, “Term two will start on the 22 June to 4 September and Term three will start on 21 September to 19 December 2020.”

She added: “Universities and other tertiary institutions including BTVET (Business Technical, Vocational Education and Training) institutions will open for continuation of the current semester on 2 May 2020.”

The Ministry is also working with Local Governments through District Inspectors of schools, DEOs +District Education Officers), Head Teachers of both Primary and secondary schools to identify model teachers to prepare remedial learning to be delivered on radio and TV stations across the country.

Further, the Minister clarified that when schools reopen, it will still be continuation of Term one and therefore no extra fees should be charged.

She said the first and second term holidays will be shorter.

There shall not be any form of tests or examinations of end of term one.

All the time should be used for teaching and learning.

Cumulative end of topic class results should be used for the end of term reports.

Candidates shall do only one school generated Mock Examinations at the end of term two.

All schools are banned from engaging students in any externally set mock examination this year to ensure syllabus is covered on time.

Meanwhile, for Universities that have forced students to pay and do online examinations during this period of closure, the First Lady said quite a number of students do not have the required facilities and money.

“We have therefore decided that all these examinations be suspended until we are out of this crisis,” she said.

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