Are driving upcountry this festive season? These are the safe travel tips

Are driving upcountry this festive season? These are the safe travel tips

Many people tend to spend the festive season with loved ones upcountry but many end up not reaching their destinations due to accidents.

The 2018 annual police crime rate indicates that there were 1153 accidents in the month of December a thing that was attributed to increased traffic on the road during the month of December.

However, here are some of the safe travel tips for everyone.

 Vehicle checkup

Check your vehicle before leaving home for a long trip to ensure it is in a good mechanical condition. This will not only save you from being stopped by traffic police but also accidents.

Ensure everything on the car is working properly including the tyres, wipers, battery, lights and everything. Ensure your toolbox and spare wheel are ok.

 Observe rules

Many motorists tend to ignore the rules on the road or else you will be victim to accidents. Statistics show that most accidents tend to occur during the holiday season because there is a lot of traffic but also, many inexperienced people tend to drive during this period.

Drink driving

Many drivers tend to begin enjoying the festival seasons very early even before leaving their homes. To show this, they tend to drink while driving upcountry but this is dangerous as it may not only lead one to be stopped by traffic police but also be a victim to accidents.


Others tips;


Do not advertise on social media that you are traveling or away

  • Avoid texting while driving. It distracts attention
  • Observe the rules of the road, as most accidents tend to occur during the holiday season
  • Plan your route carefully
  • Do not pick up strangers or take a lift from them
  • Always park in safe areas.
  • Always attend to your luggage.
  • Constantly check your mirrors and surroundings to ensure you are not being followed. If suspicious, drive to the nearest police station or phone for help.
  • Always keep car doors and windows closed at all times
  • When approaching your gate or home, make sure no suspicious persons or vehicles are near your gate.
  • Avoid driving or walking alone at night
  • Avoid parking next to vans, cars with tinted windows or trucks.
  • never leave your car with the motor running
  • Always locate your car keys prior to going to your car.
  • Keep a secure hold on your purse, handbag and parcels. Do not put them, down or on top of the car while opening the door.
  • While approaching or leaving your vehicle, be aware of your surroundings.
  • Ask the mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location.
  • Top up your airtime and carry extra phone batteries, charging system
  • When hiring taxis or boda-boda, use reliable services recommended.


The post Are driving upcountry this festive season? These are the safe travel tips appeared first on Nile Post.

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