Police finally arrest wanted Mpigi school director over defiling students

Police finally arrest wanted Mpigi school director over defiling students

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Police has finally arrested the Mpigi Mixed Secondary School director who has been on the run over defiling nine of his students.

Asadu Wamala has been on the run after being released on bail early this week after reports emerged that another group of eight students accused him of defiling them but according to the CID spokesperson, Charles Twine, the suspect was arrested on Thursday evening.

“The most wanted defiler Asadu Wamala who has been on the run was busted and arrested from his hideout in Kikyusa, Luweero district,” Twine said in a message.

It is expected that Wamala would be charged afresh for defiling eight other students.

 President Museveni last week ordered a probe into the matter after getting information that the headmaster had been released on bail by court in Mpigi.

Early this week, the deputy police spokesperson, Polly Namaye they have recorded statements from eight new students who pinned the school director of harassing them.

“During the course of our investigations, we learnt that there are eight other victims and we are working closely with locals to have him charged afresh,”Namaye said on Monday.

“We want to assure the public that the case will be handled professionally. Previously, the evidence we had proved indecent assault but we have got evidence to prove defilement.”

The case

Wamala was early this week arrested by police in Mpigi after a 16-year-old student at his school reported a case of defilement to his aunt.

In an interview with the Daily Monitor last week, the victim narrated that the school director invited her to his house on November 3 and forced her into sex.

The victim who was taken to CID by her parents to file a complaint said Wamala took her to the classroom at about 10 pm where he accused him of having a boyfriend and threatened to dismiss her from school.

The girl would later plead with the school director not to send her home but in response, he said he would sleep with her but despite the victim telling him that he was in her periods, Wamala never relented.

“He told me to remove my knickers. When he saw the blood, he told me ‘that is very little blood’. He said the blood would not be a problem,” she narrated to Daily Monitor adding that Wamala asked her to perform non-penetrative sexual acts on him as he asked her to help him masturbate.

The victim narrated that the following day, she used the watchman’s phone to call her aunt to pick her from school, from where they proceeded to Kibuli CID headquarters.

Meanwhile, when the school director was arrested, police officers charged him with a lesser offence of indecent assault after money allegedly exchanged hands between the offender and police officers.

When he was taken to court, he was released on bail.

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