Special hire driver killed, body stuffed in car boot

Special hire driver killed, body stuffed in car boot

Police have started investigations into circumstances under which a special hire driver was killed and body stuffed in the boot of his own vehicle.

According to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, on Wednesday, three people survived a mob in Seeta town for allegedly killing Christopher Batte,58,  the special hire driver.

“It is alleged that three suspects hired the special hire driver to transport them to Bajjo village. The suspects while at Bajjo, strangled and stabbed the victim five times on the head and three times on the right hand.  They then bundled him in the trunk of his vehicle registration number UAY 765H Toyota Premio white in colour,”Owoyesigyire said.

The police mouthpiece explained that as the suspects were driving, the vehicle got stuck prompting them to call locals to help them push the vehicle.

“The people saw blood seeping from the car trunk and asked them what they were carrying, but the suspects didn’t give clear answers. On opening the car trunk, the body was discovered and immediately mob attacked the suspects,”Owoyesigyire said.

He noted that whereas one suspect was beaten to near-death by the mob, his two other colleagues including a male and female took off.

Police is hunting for the suspects whereas the vehicle was also damaged in process of the mob action. A knife and rope were recovered from the vehicle while investigations are still ongoing.”

In the past, several incidents have been recorded by police of special hire drivers hired by people pretending to be clients who later use ropes to strangle them and later take off with their vehicles.



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