UNICEF Donates Personal Protective Equipment to Police

UNICEF Donates Personal Protective Equipment to Police

The Uganda Police Force has received Personal Protection Equipment from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in a scientific function held at the Police Headquarters, Naguru.

The function was presided over by the Chief Political Commissar Asan Kasingye on behalf of the Inspector General of Police. The items received include face masks, Sanitizers, Liquid soap, spraying pumps and buckets.

UNICEF was represented by Mr. Augustine Wasago and Ms Deborah Gasana who commended the Police Force for ensuring safety and observance of Human Rights especially rights of children during and after Covid-19 lockdown.

Wasago implored the UPF to continue utilizing Children Diversion Guidelines especially where children commit minor offences especially during such times when they could be exposed to various tempting situations.

Kasingye applauded UNICEF for the continued support to Uganda Police Force in ensuring protection of Rights of Children.

Some of the received items.

“I have observed that this support has enabled the Uganda Police Force to fight child related crimes such as child abuse, desertion, sexual violence, child neglect and torture, citing the 2018/19 annual crime report,” he said.

Kasingye also recognized the role played by UNICEF in drafting The Children’s Act 1996 which remains in use to date as well as support in training police officers in Human Rights related fields well as drafting educational materials which are visible at different police stations stipulating the need to respect and protect rights of children.

“I applaud police commitment towards protection of all Ugandans and their property by working closely with stakeholders,” he said.

Kasingye also thanked UNICEF and United Nations WOMEN for the support given to Uganda Police Force to enhance protection of Human Rights of Women and children in Uganda.

“I promise that the personal protection equipment will go a long way in protecting both the police officers as well as members of the public who report cases to police. This will in turn enable timely reporting, investigation and prosecution of violence against women and children,” Kasingye concluded.


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