Kampala’s Water Shortages to End as Katosi Nears Completion

Kampala’s Water Shortages to End as Katosi Nears Completion

The Katosi Water Works that has been ongoing since Jane 2019 is expected to be completed by January 2021 according to National Water and Sewage Corporation (NWSC).
The plant, once completed will initially add an additional 160m litters of water per day to the Kampala water supply areas which include greater Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono and some parts of Entebbe.
Currently, Demand for water in Kampala water supply areas is 300litres per day, however the Ggaba is currently able to produce 240m litres per day creating a shortage of 60m litres per day.
This shortage has been affecting the intermittent water supply to places at the periphery of the network and in hilly areas like Mukono, Seeta, Namugongo, Kyaliwajjala, Kira, Gayaza, Kasangati, Kyanja and Kanyanya.
“We are currently using short term interventions to bridge this gap, however once Katosi is complete, supply will be more than demand and hence will solve the water shortage issues in Kampala,” Eng Silver Mugisha, NWSC ED said.
According to him, despite the prolonged procurement wrangles, Katosi Water Project will be delivered with the the project timeline
“Progress of work at the Katosi Project is 75% complete with major civil works at the water treatment plant 100% complete. The reservoirs in Nsumba, Ssonde and the pumping station in Namugongo are substantially complete. The pipeline from Katosi, to Nsumba, Mukono, Seeta, Ssonde, Namugongo, Kyaliwajjala, Ntinda to Naguru is near completion. Electromechanical works, procurement and installation of pumps is the remaining work. Test pumping and water supply is expected to start in the first quarter of 2021,” he said.
NWSC came under the limelight after the office of the IGG received a complaint in December 2017 in respect to the Kampala Water- Lake Victoria WATSAN project (KW-WATSAN) package 4D- Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant and Nsumba Pumping Reservoir. The complaint alleged corruption and influence peddling in the project.
“The IGG referred the matter to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority for investigation, the matter was further investigated by AFD and EIB Compliance department and wee were cleared of all wrong doing. NWSC is committed to complete the project in time and meet the supply demands of the people of Kampala. We warn the public to ignore any allegations of corruption in the Katosi project. These allegations were investigated, discredited and found to have no merit,” he added.

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