Arthur Nkalubo: Nemesis to NRM treasurer’s husband nominated for Nakaseke South MP seat

Arthur Nkalubo: Nemesis to NRM treasurer’s husband nominated for Nakaseke South MP seat

Arthur Nkalubo has been nominated to stand against Charles Nsereko, the husband to NRM treasurer, Rose Namayanja Nsereko for the Nakaseke South parliamentary seat  in the forthcoming party primaries.

Nkalubo was on Friday nominated at the party’s electoral commission headquarters at Kyadondo.

Speaking shortly after his nomination, Nkalubo said he would ride on the gains made by the ruling NRM party in Nakaseke to consolidate them.

“We want to hold together the NRM gains in the areas but apart from that, poverty, clean water, education and health will be top on our agenda for the people of Nakaseke South,”Nkalubo said.


Nkalubo last week petitioned the NRM electoral commission seeking to have the party Treasurer Rose Namayanja Nsereko forced to step aside until the party primaries are concluded to avoid conflict of interest.

“The alleged conflict of interest has been caused by the undue influence by both direct and indirect influence by Rose Namayanja who us the wife of or partner of Nsereko Basajjassubi with whom the petitioner intends to contest with during the election primaries for the position of flag bearer for the NRM party,” Nkalubo said through his lawyers of Lule Godfrey and Mulumba Company Advocates.

“It is contrary to Article 9(2) (i) of the NRM Constitution where it is stated that every member of the NRM shall have a duty to adhere to the principle that the interest of the NRM stand above everything else, subordinating his or her personal interests to the interests of NRM and the nation.”

The outcome of the petition is yet to be determined by the party electoral commission.




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