Tooro Queens women football Club poised to empower the girl child

Tooro Queens women football Club poised to empower the girl child

When the idea of initiating Tooro Queens Women Football Club was mooted way back in 2016, there were prime goals and objectives embedded therein.

The club motto clearly spells out and echoes loudly; “Developing the sports talents of girls for enhanced options and personal development”.

Started as a Non-Government Organization (NGO), the strategy was to support the girl children through a formidable soccer team, since football is one of the most popular sports activities for the girls not only in Uganda, but, world over.

They conduct their daily training sessions from a couple of grounds in Fort Portal ranging the St Peter & Paul Primary School, Buhinga to the St Leo’s SS Kyegobe playgrounds and the matches are hosted at the Minor Seminary Virika ground.

Tooro Queens Women Football Club
Tooro Queens players pray before a match

Rogers Ayesiga, Douglas Kahuma, Solomon Nyakairu and Frank Ruhimbazi remain on record as the proud brains behind this brilliant idea.

This quartet was inspired by the rich experiences, deep insight, and unwavering support they received from their mentors while growing up.

Goalkeeper Cissy Kabarwani

Therefore, the founders committed themselves to creating a space for good players to become great footballers, great footballers to become outstanding academicians, and outstanding academicians to become purposeful members within their communities.

It goes without a saying therefore that developing the sports talents of girls for enhanced career options and personal development was the only way to go with enrichment and empowerment to every girl footballer.

Core Values:

Tooro Queens Women Football Club established merging passion, purpose, and football performance to the known core values of grit, determination, confidence, respect and loyalty.

These are coupled with high performance values of professionalism, equal opportunity, perseverance, staying in school and healthy lifestyles.

This meant a win-win situation with on and off the field performances.

Jeninga Awadifo is a player at Tooro Queens Women Football Club

“It’s about more than on-fields wins, it’s about off the field achievement as well. We are empowering every student-footballer to work harder, smarter, and getting better on the field, at home, and in school. Our commitment goes beyond the game of football and focuses on the game of life.

Tooro Queens Football Club was founded to provide opportunities for all tribes and girl children to play sports and learn from each to accomplish.

Winnie Babirye and Jeninga Awadifo plan a set piece before execution

The club’s mission at hand is to promote each girl child from dropping out of school through involving them in co-curricular activities through which they can explore their talents and potential

Tooro Queens Women Football Club Mission

Empowering the youth especially the vulnerable ones with the necessary life skills for improved livelihoods and self-esteem making positive contributions to society.

Tooro Queens Women Football Club Vision
Douglas Kahuma, the CEO Tooro Queens Women Football Club

Every organization has its own well stipulated objectives among others.

The Tooro Queens Women Football Club objectives are;

  • To keep girls productively engaged in co-curricular and academic activities for talent exploration and career development
  • To sensitize girls and parents about the importance of equal-opportunity for girls and boys for enhanced career and self-development.
  • To identify, recruit, promote and improve the football talent of the girls in the region and entire country. Merging passion, purpose and athletic performance.


Life presents pitfalls, low moments and challenges. The script is no different at Tooro Queens Women Football Club.

A couple of challenges recorded have included; lack of sufficient sports equipment (uniforms, playground materials, soccer balls, boots and related accessories), consumables like first aid equipment, medication to use in training talents girls, insufficient support from schools in terms of bursaries (scholarships) for players.

Tooro Queens Women Football Club family

There are also limited funds to facilitate professionals in other project interventions (activities) like sensitizing girls on sanitation, culture, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, career guidance and the like.

The founding members put together financial and mater support and managed to register the club in the Kitara Regional league.

They qualified for the FUFA Women Elite League and competed in the FUFA Women Cup (Knock-out championship), reaching the quarter finals in 2018.

By the time of abrupt stopping of the 2019/20 Women football business because of the Coronavirus pandemic, Tooro Queens were on the summit of the Victoria Group in the Uganda Elite League, with gradual progress in the Uganda Women Cup.

The club has also participated in the Airtel Rising Stars (ARS) U-17 girls football programme and performed well at the regional level (Western Uganda) and well as at the national level.

Tooro Queens Women Football Club has been also involved in generous acts of charity, visiting the vulnerable groups in the communities as the Tooro Babies Home where they delivered a couple of items.

Winne Babirye smiles as he holds the ball
The team captain Jolly Kobusinge
Resty Kobusobozi sows off her accolades

Formidable players:

Players as Resty Kobusobozi, Sumaya Komuntale, goalkeeper Cissy Kabarwani, Maggie Kayima, skipper Jolly Kobusinge, Jeninga Awadifo, Winnie Babirye and many others are vivid products of the team.

Key Contact information:

  • Telephone contacts: +256 774-281890 / 0777-177593
  • Post address: P. O. Box 457 Fort-Portal, Uganda
  • Website:
  • Facebook: Tooro Queens Football club
  • Twitter: @tooroqueens
  • E-mail:
  • Physical Address: Bundibugyo Road, E.K Down Town Shopping Arcade
Rogers Ayesiga, Tooro Queens Women Football Club Head Coach

Tooro Queens Women Football Club – Your will to achieve is determined by your confidence to succeed”.

The post Tooro Queens women football Club poised to empower the girl child appeared first on Kawowo Sports.

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