Meet Esther Kyokunda, Uganda’s first certified female flight instructor

Meet Esther Kyokunda, Uganda’s first certified female flight instructor

The Uganda Professional Pilots’ Association has unveiled Esther Kyokunda, as the country’s first female certified flight instructor.
Kyokunda, in an interview with the Nile Post said that this didn’t just happen as she has always wanted to become a pilot.
Esther Kyokunda flight instructor..
Kyokunda says she has pursued her dream relentlessly
“It was a childhood dream. I was about 12 years when I saw the cockpit of a plane for the first time and I talked to a pilot. That conversation changed my life goals. I just wanted to be like that guy (pilot),” Kyokunda told Nile Post.
Kyokunda said that her main job as a flight instructor is to teach people how to fly. Adding, “But that’s not all a flight instructor does. They are also mentors to their students. We prepare and nurture students for wherever they will end up in the aviation industry.”
Esther Kyokunda flight instructor.
Kyokunda says being a flight instructor is about more than the instruction
Kyokunda said that one of the challenges in the aviation industry is learning how to be patient as things must happen in their own time.
“Aviation training and aviation in general requires an immense amount of patience. Things do not usually go in a set time so you have to really be patient and accept the situation and keep praying for it to fall in place,” Kyokunda told Nile Post.
Early practice
Although she was born in Kampala’s Nsambya hospital 25 years ago, Kyokunda hails from Rutooma, Mbarara District.
She went to Kabojja Junior School for her primary school education and later joined Mary Hill High School and Nabisunsa Girls Secondary School for her O and A levels.
Upon completing her Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), Kyokunda went for her initial training at Flight training college in South Africa.
Esther Kyokunda flight instructor ..
Kyokunda speaks to a class
She thereafter went for a Flight Instructors Rating at Vine Air Flight Academy in Jinja where she currently works.
Vine Air Flight Academy in Uganda is the first school to be certified by the Civil Aviation Authority to train pilots from scratch to Flight Instructor level.
Asked where she see’s the future of the aviation industry in Uganda, Kyokunda said, “I see the aviation industry growing within the next few years. With the revival of Uganda Airlines, I believe more people will be interested in aviation as there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Also hopefully, in the long run, there will be feeder charters (these are airlines that take passengers on fairly short distances to main airports where they catch long distance flights) that will increase the demand for more pilots.
Kyokunda’s dream, is to sit in the captain seat of a Boeing 777. She advises anyone who wants to cut it in the aviation industry, to just go for it.
“It’s never too late. Block out the negativity, keep turning the pages and always pray,” Kyokunda said.

The post Meet Esther Kyokunda, Uganda’s first certified female flight instructor appeared first on Nile Post.

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