Museveni Orders Release of Covid 19 Detainees, Reassures on Masks

Museveni Orders Release of Covid 19 Detainees, Reassures on Masks

President Yoweri Museveni has instructed the Director of Public Prosecution Justice Jane Frances Abodo to consider releasing people who were arrested for disobedience of presidential directives on COVID19.

In his address to the nation on Monday, Museveni revealed that there are over 4000 detainees in various Prisons around the country.

“I have already talked to the attorney General and the DPP to review cases of those people and once they don’t find it serious, they should be released so that they stop staying in jail.”

The DDP’s office has already expressed interest in releasing all people who were held for flouting Covid19 guidelines.

The DDP Justice Frances Abodo says her office in this pandemic will only be focusing on serious crimes.

Most of the detained suspects were arrested for walking past curfew time of 7pm and congesting in places without observing social distancing.

There have not been arraigned in courts, since court sessions have been suspended.


Meanwhile , the president announced in the same speech distribution of free face masks to all Ugandans will commence next week

The president distribution of masks will start on 10th June 2020 in the border districts which are at a higher risk.

“They were to start on 4th June but the factories had to mobilise and thus missed out slightly on the schedule. They may not produce what is needed for the whole country but the ones produced will be distributed in areas where they are needed most,” he said.

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