Interview: NBS TV’s Justin Bas opens up about growing up and life as an entertainer

Interview: NBS TV’s Justin Bas opens up about growing up and life as an entertainer

Justin Basiima, commonly known as Justin Bas is arguably one of, if not the most energetic entertainers on Ugandan Television.

Justin Bas on stage as MJ
Justin Bas on stage channeling Michael Jackson

Together with his team on NBS Hitmaker and the Saturday Night Live show, they’ve kept Ugandans on their toes, bringing the entertainment right in our sitting rooms all through the lockdown period after  bars and night clubs were closed.

Jonah Kirabo caught up with with him to find out bits of his life story and now writes.



Born to Mr and Mrs. Derrick and Damalie Sematimba of Kyengera Mugongo, Basiima is a second born in a family of five.

He attended Busoga College Mwiri for all the six years of secondary school before joining Makerere University Business School where he pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance before joining Uganda Management Institute where he did a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management.

Justin Bas on stage
Bas believes in winning over his audience

Justin Bas describes his childhood personality as “very bright and disciplined but stubborn.”



Growing up, working on television is not something Justin Bas looked up to, although he was so much into entertainment back at school.

He has some his friends to thank for his now, eleven year TV career because they saw the potential in him, even when he hadn’t seen it himself.

He said, “So when NBS TV opened up, Chris Wanobere (Current Programming Manager at NBS) called me up and gave me a Kina Uganda movie to go home and watch then return it to him after two days. Little did I know that the day of return was the same day I was to shoot my first ever TV show. The rest is history.”



Justin Bas said that he is one of the few that have not faced many challenges in his career. His only challenge, he says, are the viewers who don’t understand his presentation style.

“Since it was the first of its kind, so many people used to refer to it as making noise. Many people cannot understand my style.”

He however noted that entertainment as an industry is faced with up tight competition and cyber bullying that requires one to be very versatile to keep up with the trends.

Besides TV, Justin Bas is also a father, talent manager and CEO of Switdrim Music. He boasts about being a ‘jack of all trades”.

Justin Bas on stage.
Bas wears many hats

“I do lots of other things like farming, mcing, clothing business to mention but a few.”

Asked about how he draws the balance, Justin Bas said thus, “When I am home, it is time for my family and I give it 100%. When I drive out of home, its work time and my family understands so they support me. This makes it so easy.”

“I handle it perfectly because my significant other is in the same industry. So she understands my hustle.”

Justin Bas on stage RED MIC
Bas is also a family man

To those that appreciate what Justin Bas has to offer, he sent nothing but peace and love.

“Let them keep following me on all my social media platforms, I appreciate their support and love every time full time. Peace and love.”

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