My musings journey has come to an end, thank you readers

My musings journey has come to an end, thank you readers

Baca Juga

Mukasa Sirajeh Katantazi

In 2007, I was lucky to be introduced to self improvement books.

One of my most transformative experiences was when I read the little life changing treatise As a man thinketh” by James Allen.

This small work is premised on the Biblical passage of Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.

The main message of this succinct, yet powerful, book is: the quality of your thoughts determine your quality of life.

If your thoughts are pure and good, your life will also be good; and vice versa.

Allen asserts that “Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will produce their kind.”

In essence he says thought is the seed for action.

If you control the cause- you can control the effect.

This is the law of causality, what Isaac Newton called the third law of motion.

Your inaction is therefore a measure of your inertia or simply put your reluctance to get started.

Allen lived for 47 years but his works have had profound impact on millions of people’s lives.

Having been forced out of school at the young age of 15 years after his father died, he being the oldest child of an illiterate mother had to fend for the family.

Deeply spiritual he found comfort in writing and in the process changed his and many other’s dreams and lives.I owe him a debt of gratitude to this day.

On 13 April 2020, I wrote the first article of these musings out of frustration for being locked at home.

I did not contest the government directive to stay home, for I knew it was made with good intentions yet for almost a fortnight I had been forced into an unfamiliar place, too much time and too little to do.

So my mind went into action mode and I got the idea that I could write down my thoughts on different things and I felt I had earned that right having read a book every week since 2007.

These past couple of days have been quite fulfilling as I have traversed a few topics and researched many subjects.

In the process I have grown in leaps and bounds and got myself a small fan base.

I have also been lucky to have a few of these articles published on Nilepost.

Some of my readers have asked me to write a book and others have compared my style to literary luminaries like the late Kevin Aliro,Gawaya Tegulle and Charles Onyango Obbo.

It has been a humbling experience and I can only strive to touch their feet for indeed I hold these men in high esteem.

I have received unsolicited mobile money from total strangers as tokens of appreciation and uncountable words of encouragement to keep writing.

Some have privately texted me on the few days I would delay to post the musings inquiring whether I had forgotten.

This experience has been a true revelation that indeed thoughts are actionable and that when one takes action he can achieve much and along the way influence others.

This dear friends is tribute to all those that have been supportive to me through this journey and I pray that as the lockdown is eased(hopefully after tomorrow) we all reflect upon our life purpose and how we can impact those that we interact with.

Personally this C19 stalemate has reminded me of our human spirit and resilience and the man’s sheer will to fight on.

As Napoleon Hill said in his phenomenal book Think and Grow Rich “Within every adversity is an equal or greater benefit.Within every problem is an opportunity.Even in the knocks of life, we can find great gifts.”

Without doubt C19 has disrupted our lives’ routines, but therein lay an opportunity to rethink and reposition our lives.

I have always wanted to write and out of this calamity I have been lucky enough to put my wishes into action.

Indeed as it’s often said when life gives you lemons ,make lemonade.

I intend to write the last segment of these musings tomorrow in shaa Allah and therefore take this opportunity to heartily thank you for taking time to read my musings.

To borrow Shaka Ssali’s words, he of the Voice of America fame, I am exceedingly humbled and profoundly honoured.

God bless you!

Stay home, stay safe.

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