Simple tricks to keep you productively busy in the Coronavirus lockdown 

Simple tricks to keep you productively busy in the Coronavirus lockdown 

Baca Juga

Maintaining Sanity in the Lockdown 

Time to make lemonade out of life’s lemons. And, when you have an unprecedented 21-day lockdown staring at you, take it one day at a time. Instead of getting bogged down by the thought, take each of those days as an opportunity to build new skills, explore hobbies and do things you’ve always wanted to.

  1. Give your home a new face

We get caught up in daily routine, up and go. Little attention is paid to our homes usually running on auto pilot. Keepting at home will actually make you notice how boring your house is, and how it does little to enjoy your time away from your job. With a lockdown in full progress, this may be a good time to rejig the decor and give your home a fresh new look. Change the curtains, if you can afford it,  move your tables, chairs and sofas around the house to try out new combinations. Besides burning good calories, who knows, this activity could help you hit the reset button and let you escape the drudgery of same-old.

  1. Become social

There are a lot of people that get affected differently with being tied down. Psychiatrists say there is a rise in cases of depression, anxiety within our society. This is a good time, call and check on people you haven’t heard from in a while.  Find out how your friends and family are doing; if the seniors among them are coping well. Spread the warmth and stay bonded.

  1. Show yourself some love

When was the last time you pampered yourself, gave your face a good scrub? Over the next weeks, indulge in some self love and self care.  Or, make a face pack using ingredients at home.

Here’s a simple personal hack: mix three tablespoons of lemon juice with a tablespoon of turmeric powder,  and ground charcoal apply it on your face, leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash if off. This will leave your face moistened and glowing.

  1. Let the creativity flow/ skill up

Well many Ugandans will use social media resources available to them for different purposes. It irks me to see many will usually make it their business to follow every fight Zari is having with Hamisa or the latest thing Bad Black has said. Chic, you can’t just wake up everyday to follow up on the latest fight or social media scandal. There are literally dozens of YouTube tutorials that you can access. Learn to dance, learn to crochet (I discovered so many new things I could do with crocheting yard and hook and actually a good amount of money from the new creative ways. ) You could learn a new language too. There are very decent language tutorials available online. You need to be disciplined if you are serious about this and carry on even after the lockdown.

5. Learn to cook up a storm

Since the first lock down was announced by Government in Uganda in the fight against the coronavirus spread, many dormant Facebook pages suddenly came to life with everyone becoming a chef. Take time and look up My Food Network, or Kampala Food Network, lots of creative ideas on how you can tweak up your kitchen and culinary skills. cooking isn’t rocket science and there’s no dearth to the online videos, recipes, and kitchen hacks that can help you navigate this unfamiliar terrain.

Cook different in this time

6. Quit a bad habit

If like me, you have been trying to get rid of that daily crave for UG, if you know, you know. Now is a good time to set intentions and find your will again. Time with family and concentrating on new skills and talents has helped me push the glass side for a happier, soberself. This government-mandated lockdown can be the period you go cold turkey on that niggling bad habit you have always wanted to get rid of: smoking, sugar or caffeine dependence.

7. Bring home the outside

With all the time spent at home, it’s a good idea to bring the outside into your living spaces, and the easiest way to do that is by growing a home garden. Not only do plants make your home more aesthetic, they purify the air, give you a fun way to stay fit and add to your meals as well. Using your kitchen window seals a bit more. Grow some simple plants that you can also use to garnish your food. Plants like Rosemary, Basil, Spring onions and the like do well in small containers. This help save you the trip to the market for these daily garnishers.

Most importantly however, Studies of people swept up in disasters show that they are least traumatised if they are able to keep in touch with their nearest and dearest. Rekindle the passion in your home, purpose to enjoy those closest to you. 

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