Roke Telkom partners with Hong Kong company to improve their network

Roke Telkom partners with Hong Kong company to improve their network

Roke Telkom, a Ugandan telecommunications company and public service provider for voice and data communication has partnered with HGC Global Communications (HGC), a Hong Kong fully-fledged fixed-line operator and ICT service provider to provide Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) services in the region.

SD-WAN is a technology that enables enterprises to simplify network management and ensure greater agility and efficiency. The platform aggregates bandwidth and can be integrated seamlessly into enterprises’ existing networks, providing connectivity over various transport technologies such as 4G /LTE, broadband, MPLS among others.

The deal was announced on Thursday in Kampala.

“When you talk about building an Information based economy, you need innovation to stay pertinent. Our focus right now is to continuously innovate by creating an ecosystem of partners that includes global telecommunication partners, the regulator, government, banks and the private sector,” said Roger Sekaziga, the Roke Telkom Chief Executive Officer.

He noted that the mutual interdependence will be of great benefit to both parties especially when enhanced with high-quality internet.

According to Sekaziga, SD-WAN complements this ecosystem’s current network infrastructure, by allowing IT managers to remotely manage their site policies through a centralized controller which is critical in increasing network security, flexibility and scalability; translating into reduced connectivity costs that positively impact the bottom-line.

“Companies need to future proof their network assets by investing in new technologies. SDWAN enhances this capability because it associates well with 5G, fifth-generation wireless, and the internet of things.The future is here and organizations must remain relevant to their target audiences. This solution does that, by extracting the transport layer from hardware to software, further reducing costs,” he said.

Oyovwe Okorodudu from HGC Global Communications said the Hong Kong company is committed to the contemporary ICT, connectivity solutions and different value-added services to assist corporate customers on paving the way to a digital transformation journey.

“As a telecom and ICT service provider with a global footprint, we strive to collaborate with key local and regional firms like Roke Telkom that support the ever-growing demand in the region for reliable and secure internet solutions, high quality of service and always-on connectivity to streamline corporates’ business operations”, Okorodudu noted.

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