DP Suspends Grass Root Elections Amid Intrigue and Rigging Claims

DP Suspends Grass Root Elections Amid Intrigue and Rigging Claims


The Democratic Party (DP) has postponed its internal elections which were due to take place this week citing intrigue and planned rigging by some members.

The elections were due to be held today following the release of the road map by the party on Monday.

But DP National Organizing Secretary Suleiman Kidandala said the elections were postponed after several party leaders from Masaka, Wakiso, Mukono and some parts of Kampala petitioned the party’s National Executive Committee, claiming that the party registers were infiltrated by ghost voters.

“With my mandate to ensure a clean, lawful and legitimate process, I hereby officially communicate the decision to recall all materials not dispatched by my office and announce that all processes arising out of the same will not be recognized by my office and hence halted forthwith for being invalid,” Kidandala said in a letter dated January 30.

The move comes after DP leaders from Greater Masaka said they would boycott the elections, claiming that DP National Vice Chairman Fred Mukasa Mbidde had hijacked the party registers from the region and sneaked in his own henchmen.

Kidandala said he has recalled all electoral materials and halted all irregular processes going on in some party branches and sub-branches. He added that the top party leaders will be visiting various areas to calm the warring factions so that they have a smooth registration and grass-root election.

According to Kidandala the grass-root elections will take place beginning next month.

DP President General Norbert Mao played down the intrigue in Masaka region ahead of the party’s internal elections.

“Masaka is a hot spot ever since Mbidde announced his interest yet Mpuuga is also there. Every position will be competed for according to party rules. I’m hesitant to endorse any candidate. It is about intolerance and people not wanting competition,” he said.




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