DRC: ADF Kills 61 In Two Days

DRC: ADF Kills 61 In Two Days

At least 21 civilians were killed in a series of simultaneous attacks on Thursday January 30, 2020, in areas located west of the city of Oicha, in Beni territory (North Kivu) bringing the death toll to 63 in just two days.

Militants on Tuesday hacked to death 38 people, while two survivors were taken to a local hospital with skull fractures.

These attacks are attributed to the Islamic militants of Allied Democratic Forces and death toll is expected to rise.

According civil society organizations 11 were killed Mandumbi, and 1 in Ache village.

In the neighbouring Mamove 6 civilians were killed with machetes and bullets. Among the victims a child.

Shortly before these attacks, other bodies were picked up in the surrounding villages, according to civil society groups in Mamove town ship.

“The attacks were launched at 3.pm in Mamove trading center, they killed 6 people including three women, two men and a child, In Mulolya,we also discovered 3 bodies, in Aveli, there is also a body, a boda boda rider killed Friday morning,”  civil societies Kinos Katuho told local media Mamove.

Still on Thursday, two lifeless bodies of pregnant women who had been kidnapped a week ago were discovered east of Eringeti town

Earlier on Tuesday and Wednesday 38 people including a soldier were killed in Mebundu and Mulunga by fighters of Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) bringing the death toll of people killed in Beni region to 61 in just 48 hours.

Almost 300 people have been killed most of them women and children in Beni over the past 12 weeks, and thousands more have been displaced by the attacks, which have been blamed on the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militant group.

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