Confession: How a Woman I Picked from Nexus Bar Drugged me with Ice Cream, Stole my Property

Confession: How a Woman I Picked from Nexus Bar Drugged me with Ice Cream, Stole my Property

A man, only identified as Sam, has cried after being drugged and robbed by a woman he picked from Nexus Bar in Najjera, Wakiso district.

Sam says he visited Nexus, his preferred hangout along Kiwatule-Najjera road, on December 20, 2019.

Throughout the night, Sam partied with friends till the wee hours.

Before retiring him after long night, Sam and his male colleague were joined by a woman.

Sam admired the strange woman.

The two shared a drink and exchanged pleasantries.

As luck would have it, the woman agreed to spend the morning at Sam’s house.

The excited duo left hand in hand to Sam’s car before driving out of the popular bar.

Time check was around 7:00am.

“It was already morning. The bar had less than 50 people,” Sam recalled.

Along the way, the woman asked Sam and his male colleague to pass by U-Save Supermarket in Kiwatule for ice cream.

The trio headed home where the woman reportedly use ice cream to drug Sam and his friend.

As the two guys fell into a deep and peaceful slumber, the woman quietly woke up before grabbing Sam’s laptops, phones and money.

The tip-toeing woman stealthily disappeared from the house.

Sam would later find himself on a hospital bed.

“I was on drip for two days,” he recalled.

Sam later asked Nexus Bar management to provide footage for the night to help him identify the woman who robbed his property.

“The only request put to management is simple – the footage. And what is even advantageous is it was already morning when the bar had stopped selling beers, and a few people where around. I am certain her pictures would be visible enough for me to proceed with my investigations,” said Sam.

Unfortunately, Nexus’ management said they logged into the CCTV in Sam’s presence “and unfortunately the cameras were not recording at that time (of the incident).”

It emerged that the CCTV cameras were not recording any footage for two days hence denying Sam critical evidence to prosecute the woman.

“There was a system malfunction which we brought to the attention of technicians,” said Nexus management.

ChimpReports has learned that Sam later obtained video footage from U-Save supermarket.

“I have so far got her unclear pictures from U-Save supermarket where she purchased her ice cream that she used to drug us,” said Sam.

Cases of men being drugged and robbed have been on the rise in Kampala. Most men opt for silence.

The drug used to rob Sam remains unclear.

However, ChimpReports understands thugs have lately intensified the use of chloroform to drug their victims.

Cases of theft and robbery by use of chloroform have been on the increase over the past few years with 17 cases recorded in Kampala Metropolitan Policing area in 2016 while 39 cases were reported in 2017.

Uganda Radio Network recently reported that Ivan Muyimba, a resident of Wakiso district was doused with chloroform while attending to his bar and robbed clean.

According to Muyimba, he was initially drugged using the food he and his friend had ordered.

He, however, says after realizing the drug was taking too long to affect him, the thugs doused him with chloroform by placing a piece of cloth on his nose.

In several instances, girls have been drugged and raped after being picked from bars.

Despite Chloroform being a restricted substance, according to the National Drugs Authority (NDA), it is easily accessible from almost all pharmacies in Uganda.

At Eco Pharm, Friecca, City Pharmacy and Zodiac Pharmacy in Kampala, a bottle of 200ml of Chloroform goes for between Shillings 40,000 and 70,000.

Personal responsibility

Nexus bar owner, Ivan, says such incidents are very tricky for bar managers.

“The best we can do is to intervene at CCTV level to provide footage. People who have courage to do such things are usually strangers – they hit a bar and disappear for some time,” he observed.

“It is easy to identify a person you know even when the footage is unclear, but so hard for a stranger. My humbled advice is when you meet any lady for the first time in any bar, you should be extra careful,” said Ivan.

“Don’t trust them too much to the extent of leaving your drinks with them. For us who do operations, we have no knowledge of how and when you first met. So we respect every one’s privacy to have a good time with anyone in the bar. We can’t tell when and how you met. There is a lot you the person in question can do to avoid such things happening to you,” he added.

Exchanging drinks

Another victim of drugging said a lady came to his table and put “her drinks near mine. She had friends around and pretended to be rich. She asked me if I could be of help and talk to the manager to get her a black label.”

The victim added: “She had a wallet full of dollars and looked classy, had keys for a Mercedes Benz and  Samsung S9. Then later she changed her mind that she will take a normal beer. She bought beers for the whole table and asked me to keep her wallet. She bought the same beer I was taking and as soon as I made a move she exchanged the bottles. When I came back, I took a few sips and found myself drugged – my phone gone, my laptop gone. I just wondered how she knew where I left my car. I went to Norvik hospital for a checkup and stayed there till I went home.”

This victim made a police report and discovered that similar cases were being reported in most bars.

“It is really happening. It is a gang of beautiful ladies doing their thing in bars and stealing whatever they can.”

Extra caution

Ivan who runs Nexus says revelers must take extra caution to avoid such scenarios.

He says had Sam not “trusted this lady to the point of going to purchase ice cream with her then later take her home, we wouldn’t be talking about this. My advice is next time have your limits with strangers. Bars don’t have a database for all clients. Even first timers come and enjoy. They could come back or may never appear. It is up to us to exercise good judgement and know our limits with strangers.”

A female partygoer says men should avoid hooking up with strangers.

“If you’ve not come out with a chic, avoid her as much as you can,” she counsels.

“You can never know my intentions towards you. Yes, we know men as hunters but how about you hunt for something you have a clue about? Don’t let those beautiful faces and Benz car keys fool you.”

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