Lady Cranes Plot To Soar To The Top

Lady Cranes Plot To Soar To The Top

The Lady Cranes will be competing for a slot in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics this weekend in Jemmal, Tunisia during the Women’s Qualifiers that doubles up as the Africa Women’s 7s Championship on 12th and 13th October.

Lady Cranes, who were last year’s runners up top Pool B alongside South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

The team went into camp on 3rd October and close today at 1:00pm.

The team has been involved in a number of activities like weight training sessions, speed sessions, games against a select men’s team as well as against Black Pirates,pool recovery sessions and rugby skills sessions ahead of the weekend games.

The Lady Cranes first game on Saturday is against South Africa at 12.06pm. They will then play Zambia at 2:42pm and conclude with a game against Zimbabwe on Saturday at 5.16pm. (Ugandan time)

Head Coach, Helen Koyokoyo Buteme has named the squad that will be representing the Uganda next weekend. Charlotte Mudoola retains her position as Captain assisted by Grace Auma.

“This team has dynamic individuals with varying skill sets and they complement each other very well. I am looking forward to seeing how they apply what we have been working on over the last month and a half in training during an actual tournament situation,” Coach Helen Buteme

The Selected 7s team has 3 debutants; Agnes Nakuya, Lydia Namabiro and Racheal Mufuwa.

Lady Cranes team for the Olympics qualifier

Agnes Nakuya (Thunderbirds)
Charlotte Thereza Mudoola (Black Panthers) – captain
Emilly Lekuru (unattached)
Flavia Agenorwot (Black Pearls)
Gilder Azikuru (Black Pearls)
Grace Auma (Black Pearls) – assistant captain
Immaculate Mufuwa (Black Pearls)
Lydia Namabiro (Black Pearls)

Mary Gloria Ayot (Black Pearls)

Peace Mirembe (Black Panthers)

Proscovia Ayero (Black Pearls)

Racheal Mufuwa (Black Pearls)

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