NRM should lead by example in ending poll violence

NRM should lead by example in ending poll violence

As the National Resistance Movement primaries for L C5 Chairmen, City Mayors and their Councillors got under away yesterday, the whole world of is watching the country’s largest party to see what part of two of their primaries in this election season will turn out to be.

Part One which was the primaries for parliamentary positions turned out to be a huge embarrassment to the ruling party for many reasons. The main one being the fact over 100 incumbent members of parliament were swept away by the whirlwind including many cabinet ministers deemed really powerful and popular prior to their pedestrian performance in the elections.

When it came to organisation, looking away was a better option because you the onlooker felt more embarrassed by what was going on compared to the candidate’s ready to win at all costs doing some very embarrassing things as a result and the poverty stricken tattered masses ready to vote at all costs for s small stipend’ call it a micro bribe that was given to them even on camera in some cases.

And when it came to voter tallying and summation, the declaration forms had some of the most dramatic summation errors you would think the country’s largest political party only hires the F9s from Math classes as Electoral Officials.

Then the violence broke out enmass as well gunshots, teargas, kiboko, destruction of property, aggravated injuries and death in a few instances a lot of it resulting from the earlier stated mistakes that could be avoided with better organisation and operating procedures.

What should be done?

Information from the party’s Electoral Commission is that some polling officials who were at the centre of the chaos last time round have been relieved of their jobs and replaced with what we hope are smarter and more competent fellows for a start which is a step in the right direction.

Voter bribery too should be punished severely if any semblance of decency should be ever associated with the country’s most popular party going forward. Especially when it is done live on video as the polls are underway, it must end lest even the little respect the party still commands is washed away.

As for the violence exhibited last time round the change must start from with in. The contestants especially those with sizeable followings should not in any way be seen to participate in scuffles with opponents or electoral officials because this incites their supporters to join in and what follows can no longer be controlled.

Contestants who refuse to keep away from this behaviour should be banned from contesting for at least two election seasons and their supporters suspended from party activities too so that discipline can be restored.

Any use of arms or arbitrary force by security towards civilians, supporters of one camp against another or against a contestant should be severely punished too.

The armed forces too may need fresh debriefing on how to remain a neutral party in these polls while keeping law and order because many times they have taken sides in broad day light which is very unprofessional too and should be punished.

If these basic measures can be put in place and are properly implemented, the image of the NRM can be redeemed greatly as we head into the main election next year. An improved image will guarantee the party a few more votes especially from the neutrals if this advice is taken seriously.

Otherwise the violent trend set by the ruling party and it’s supporters so far is a worrying one, it leaves one wondering how much more violence the 2021 General Election will manifest given the stakes will be much higher then and involve real opposition not just internal party strife.

However I remain optimistic that it can be done, no man is born violent by nature they are only pushed and precipitated towards it something I know our good NRM leaders can choose to go against and start a fresh violence free Election campaign so that the blame is never on them if things ever get out of hand in this election season.

“For God and My Country”

The author is a senior analyst and media strategist at consulting firm Brothers Intelligence LLC


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