Heavy rains: Gov’t appeals to communities living in hilly areas to move to safer zones

Heavy rains: Gov’t appeals to communities living in hilly areas to move to safer zones

Government has warned communities that live in hilly areas to move to safer zones and avoid a catastrophe due to the heavy rains the country is currently experiencing.

The minister of Relief and Disaster Preparedness, Hillary Onek  told journalists at a briefing that the current forecast indicates that heavy rains will continue up to December.

He said the already, an estimated 300,000 people have been displaced by overflowing lakes and rivers.

They are currently living in schools, churches and other public places for safety.

Onek said that over a million people have been affected directly by the current rains.

‘‘Early warning messages were sent out to communities in general but with specific alerts to communities living in mountainous areas to move away and go and stay with relatives in safer zones’’ Onek said.

Mountain Elgon region, Rwenzori, Bunyoro, Lango and Teso are the most affected with 122 Islands submerged.

Six people have so far been reported dead in Mbale, Kween and Bundibugyo districts.

Onek said government has sent food and nonfood relief items to the affected districts and plans are underway to send more items.

He said maize flour, beans, blankets, jerrycans, basins, mosquito nets, iron sheets, tarpaulin are among the items that have been dispatched to the affected communities.

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