Business success does not happen overnight, it takes time

Business success does not happen overnight, it takes time

Jaluum Herberts

I want us to talk about success for a moment. I won’t go into discussing the meaning of success because we all have different definitions of what success is but one thing we all have in common when it comes to success is what it takes to get it.

By that I mean the process, and it all comes down to one thing.

Let me ask you a very obscure question. When did you realise you loved your partner?

I can literally see you scratch your head for an answer. I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that you don’t know because I also don’t. I just know that one day I woke up and felt I loved them.

By the way by love I don’t mean mere attraction or the day you decided let me give this a shot. I mean the day your realised, I can’t live without this person, I wanna spend the rest of my life with this person.

This is something that happens over time and you don’t even realise it. You just wake up one morning and realise you’re in love. How does this happen?

The small things that keep happening over time. Like you get a problem and this person is there. They go to the kitchen to make themselves breakfast and make you breakfast too. They go to the fridge to get themselves juice and come back with a class for you too.

None of these things on their own is significant enough to say it’s the reason you fell in love with them but as they add up over time they are strong enough to make you feel that way about them.

Lets talk about losing weight. You go to gym day one and come back look yourself in the mirror and there’s no change.

Go back day two and come back, still no change. You do the same on day 3,5,10,30,40,50 and still no noticeable change.

You can’t quit and say going to the gym doesn’t work. Going to the gym doesn’t come with any results. If you quit that’s it for you but if you don’t all over sudden you’ll wake up one day and your clothes are big, they no longer fit.

On day 100 you’ll look into the mirror and see that the cheeks are gone, the belly is no more and now you can look into the mirror and see a big change. Did it happen overnight? Of course not but you couldn’t see it until now.

If they asked you which day exactly of going to the gym you lost weight you can’t say day 10, 30 or even 90 with certainty. Why? Because this all happens slowly over time. Every day counts and adds up right from the first day you hit the gym.

That’s how success works. If you keep doing the right thing the right way, consistently then success is inevitable. I can tell you without fear that it will happen.That you’ll get there.

Just one thing about the process, “persistence”. So wake up, go out there and do it again today. Do the same thing tomorrow, the next day and the next. One day you’ll wake up without realising it and you will be there.

That’s how success works.

Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant at YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.

facebook: jaluum Herberts luwizza
+256 787555919

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