Kabale Covid19 Patient Discharged

Kabale Covid19 Patient Discharged

Kabale Regional Referral Hospital has charged the Covid-19 patient who recently sparked chaos at the hospital, forcing several health workers and patients into quarantine.

Hajji Bashir Abdullah had travelled to Kampala before he returned with the Covid-19 virus. He was thereafter admitted at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital for treatment.

He is the LC1 chairperson of Ruhita cell in southern Division of Kabale Municipality and the Imam of Rushaki Mosque.

He happened to be the first member of the community from Kabale to contract Covid-19.

Dr Sophie Namasopi, the Kabale Regional Referral Hospital director while speaking to our reporter said over 156 believed to have been in contact with the patient have been tested for the virus including his family members and the Kabale Hospital staff.

Recently, Bashir’s daughter also tested positive of the virus and is currently admitted at the same hospital.

At least four Covid-19 patients are still admitted at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital.

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