Clergy ask Gen Saleh to help protect church property

Clergy ask Gen Saleh to help protect church property

The Church of Uganda’s House of Bishops led by the Archbishop of Uganda, Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, have challenged the government to provide more security to properties owned by the church.

The remarks were made after more than 30 Anglican bishops visited the demolished church in Ndeeba to show solidarity with the Christians.

The clergy also met the coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation General Salim Saleh who refuted the allegations that he is connected to the demolition of St Peter’s Church in Ndeeba.

During the meeting that took place at the National Agricultural Research Organisation in Kawanda, the church asked for more financial support from government and help in fighting land grabbing.

“We were talking about capital and also the guarantee which is needed so that we can also perform. There is no way you can have business done without money,” Kaziimba said.

He appealed to the government to also protect other church properties that are under threat hence asking believers to join hands to rebuild the church.

“As a church we have to ensure that our properties are protected. We have partnered with Gen Salim Saleh because we are very faithful. We have the structures and we have the people,”he said.

Kaziimba pointed some of the legal loopholes which enable land grabbers to encroach on church land.

“One of the things we need is the assurance that our land is protected. The land is very important.We need some protection, “he said.

He said any person who has been created by God and knows that whatever he or she owns come from the creator would not have taken such a bold step of demolishing the house of God.

“We have some people in our community who have lost humanitarianism. We have people who have lost the sense of care and love.They have lost integrity. We have people who come and grab our land and attack our people,even demolish our church,”he noted.


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