TV Star Douglas Lwanga Writes Open Letter To Museveni, Asking Him To Ease Lock Down

TV Star Douglas Lwanga Writes Open Letter To Museveni, Asking Him To Ease Lock Down

TV Star Douglas Lwanga has written and open letter to President Sevo, asking him to ease lock down so that people who work in bars, saloons, betting centers, and arcades can return to work!

Douglas Lwanga
Douglas Lwanga

According to Douglas, he has received a lot of complaints from his followers, pleading with him to at least amplify their voices since he is influential.

In a letter he posted on social media, Douglas said these people are starving since they are no longer earning.


“Dear Mr. President
The Saloons, Boda boda men, people working in Arcades, Betting companies are requesting one thing. Please ease the lock down, so they can work and be able to feed their families,” Douglas posted.

Check it out;

Dear Mr PresidentThe Saloons, Boda Boda Men, people working in Arcades, Betting companies,Bars, are requesting one…

Posted by Lwanga Douglas on Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The lock down was put in place in March this year and since then, such businesses remain closed. Meanwhile, yesterday Speaker of the Parliament Rt Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga  also urged the Government to open up churches, mosques and other places of worship . She says that the Prayer breakfast held at Parliament today is a clear sign that places of worship can be opened subject to the standard operating Procedures.

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