How to market your business using the reality TV approach

How to market your business using the reality TV approach

Jaluum Herberts

Today I want to talk about this approach to marketing that has worked wonder for YOUNG TREPS as a business.

I want to talk about not why marketing is important or why you need to do it because we are passed that, I want to talk about how to go about it.

If you’re the kind that still needs to be convinced that you need to market your business then this is not for you so take the back seat.

Many that follow me have seen that I share almost every detail of my work life, every bit of our organisation’s work life on a regular.

Some people have always thought I share way too much even when they’re yet to see me share a copy of our bank statement online (will never happen) hahaha.

So how much is so much!? All I can say that it’s imperative and varies from person to person.

Before I started sharing, I sat down with a few people and we drew lines in regards to what can be shared and what can’t and the lines are very clear.

Being a public company though a lot of it/information is actually public information so sharing it isn’t that catastrophic as some would want to imagine.

Reality TV shows are one of the biggest inventions of our times.

There are countless reality TV shows on televisions all over the world with Keeping Up with the Kardashians being the biggest of them all.

Reality TV shows give viewers full-time full access into the lives of their stars.

Day in day out, fans keep glued on their TV sets as they watch how their stars go on with their lives from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed.

Their families, children, businesses, friends and everything in-between.

This creates a connection between the stars and the viewers in that at some point the viewers start to fill they’re a part of their star’s lives because they literally know almost everything about them.

This generates more and more interest and connection between the two.

It becomes a tight relationship so hard to explain or break.

You feel like these people are those relatives on the other side .

I am not a big fan of any of the reality TV shows per say but yes, I watch them every once in a while because of the people around me and also because I enjoy them.

I have done my best to try and copy this approach and use it to sell my brand as a person and the company too.

Now it amazes me when I bump into people I don’t physically know but who know me or the company and know everything about the company.

When we did what, when we worked with which client, when I was on what TV or radio and what I said or when I posted what.

Something they know from the constant-consistent things that we share about what we are doing and going through.

You see marketing is not all about telling people am selling this come and buy, come and buy, come and buy. May be it used to be but that approach is effective no more.

It only makes you sound like a tough mum telling her kids do homework, do homework, do homework which they surely hate doing hahaha.

The new approach is sharing yourself reality TV style.

This approach doesn’t focus on only funling out products but building a bond between you and your clientele.

A relationship that flourishes even when you’re not actually transacting.

A relationship or connection that makes it easy to transact with not just the client but their circles to.

It’s a deep heart to heart connection with your clientele and once a business gets this then the rest comes naturally and effortlessly.

So yes keep sharing about yourself and what you.

When you get hosted on TV, share; when you get a job, share; when you get a new employee, share; when an old employee moves on, share; when you renovate your office, share, when you get a challenge, share; when you overcome it, share and when you reach new milestones, share.

I mean just share and share and share and with time you’ll build a relationship with your clientele where they’re always looking out for what you are up to.

Where they’ll feel obligated to look out for you like you look out for them.

I call this the reality TV show approach to marketing.

Create a reality TV show for your business. Use write-ups, use picture or videos when you can to share your journey.

They’ll surely join you in your walk and the rest like I said will come naturally without too much push and shovel.

Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant at YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.

+256 787555919

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