UBTEB Exam Results Released

UBTEB Exam Results Released

State Minister for Higher Education John Chrysostom Muyingo yesterday released the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board(UBTEB) end of programme examinations results.

The results are for students who completed their studies in the National Technical Certificate programmes, Business Diploma and Certificate programmes and Physical and Biological Sciences Diploma and Certificate programmes

A total of 17,278 candidates turned up for the examinations of who 315 (2%) candidates got first class certificates, 8,659 (63%) got Second Class Upper, 4,594 (34%) Second Class Lower and 103 (1%) got Third Class.

Best done programs included National Certificate in Agriculture (91%), Woodwork Technology (83%), Electrical installation system (81%) and Machining and Fitting (80%).

While releasing the results, Muyingo urged Ugandans to embrace vocational training competence based assessments and examinations.

“The world of work now requires a skilled workforce to curb the unemployment and job creation gaps. I call upon degree holders to embrace the trainings too. It is no longer business as usual and we should not look at these courses for lower cadre employees. We all need these skills ”he said.

The Board Chairman Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha re-affirmed the Board’s commitment to ensuring quality assessment for appropriate skills development for socio-economic transformation and national development.

According to Eng Mugisha, the Board intends to get ISO certification for UBTEB, introduce online assessments for students, involvement of employers in the training and assessment of TVET programmes, promote and sensitize the public on the TVET policy, focus on demand driven courses and total automation of the of the key examinations and assessment processes.

“We have seen construction sites collapse and other shoddy works. This is because people lack the adequate skills. We shall work with industrial based stakeholders in assessment to have a skills interface with UBTEB assesors and staff and subsequently build their capacity and productivity in the world of work following the trending Technological advancement,” he said.

On his part, UBTEB Executive Director Onesmus Oyesigye dispelled claims that UBTEB fees are high. He said that the fees have remained the same between shs 90,000/= to 130,000/= depending on the course since UBTEB inception.

He appealed to schools to make the school fees breakdowns clear to reflect UBTEB examination registration fees and tuition fees so as to avoid misrepresenting UBTEB.

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