Besigye wants every household to be given Shs100,000 per month for six months

Besigye wants every household to be given Shs100,000 per month for six months

Former FDC leader, Dr. Kizza Besigye, has suggested that government should pay each household Shs 100,000 per month for a period of six months as part of its interventions in the post Covid19 period.

In a speech he termed as “the people’s address” he highlighted some of the loopholes in some of the government interventions to combat coronavirus.

Addressing the media on Wednesday at his residence in Kasangati, Besigye unveiled the People’s Government Post Covid-19 recovery plan which is parallel to that of the government.

Among the interventions, Besigye suggested are; waiving and paying domestic water bills and electricity bills for citizens; waiving the payment rent for tenants who pay below Shs 300,000, paying Shs 100,000 for each household for six months and waiving taxes for the selected commodities such as sugar, salt and soap.

According to Besigye, the resources totalling to shs19.7 trillion earmarked for the first quarter for the current financial year will not be spent as planned due to covid19 pandemic.

He said that this money can be used for different interventions to help out the needy calling upon the government to provide more support to each individual citizen.

Besigye said many Ugandans especially the low-income earners have been adversely affected by the pandemic therefore government needs to use the unused funds in last years budget to help them out.

“If Covid-19 exposed anything, it exposed that our country had nothing. We didn’t have any reserves in Bank of Uganda,” he said.

Besigye urged the citizens who have been greatly affected by the pandemic to demand for their share of billions which were recently got from the donors.

“The plan that we have is to rally with all the other change seeking people to make an effective demand that our money applies to our needs that must be an equovaquor,” he said.

He said out of the money the government received from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other donors, teachers of primary schools should at least receive 70% payment of their salaries.

Besigye said small scale enterprises, farmers and other affected sectors should also benefit from these funds so that they are able to move on smoothly.

“This financial and economic stimulus we are talking about is primarily for the small entrepreneurs and farmers who have been vanquished by this pandemic,”Besigye said.

He suggested that part of these funds should be injected in the health sector to improve on patient per doctor ratio if the situation worsen in the future.

Besigye also expressed his disappointment over the sidelining of other stakeholders like parliament in the fight against the pandemic.

On the reorganisation of the transport system in Kampala, Besigye said all stakeholders would be involved and those already in the business should be given the first priority in the new arrangements.


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