Minister says national taskforce to meet over lifting lockdown

Minister says national taskforce to meet over lifting lockdown

The minister for Kampala, Betty Amongi, has reported that 211,192 homesteads and about 589340 individuals have received food aid in Kampala over the last 27 days.

She made the remarks while carrying out an assessment of the entire programme with results expected to be communicated to the national task force on Covid-19.

“Based on our assessment we will be able to advise whether we are ready or not to open up and the national task force will take a decision, “she said.

Amongi revealed that among the issues to be discussed is whether to continue with food distribution in an event that the lockdown is lifted.

Following extensive public criticism, the state minister for Urban Planning, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, explained that the delay in the distribution of food relief is caused by inaccessible settlements.

“In the areas where we have informal settlements which are not properly planned, it is a nightmare to move from one place to another but our teams are committed even when the work is complex. We shall make sure that everybody who is eligible gets food,”he said.

Baryomunsi refuted claims that that the food being distributed is of poor quality.

He stressed that all food aid being given to people is subjected to vigorous testing.


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