Major shakeup at URA as Kateshumbwa, more commissioners resign

Major shakeup at URA as Kateshumbwa, more commissioners resign

Dicksons C. Kateshumbwa, one of the most high profile officials of the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has resigned with immediate effect. 

Kateshumbwa, the commissioner responsible for domestic taxes, announced his resignation on Friday evening, May 29. 

Kateshumbwa is also the the sitting chairman of the World Customs Council, the first Ugandan to hold the position. 

In a farewell email to all URA staff, Kateshumbwa informed them that, “Today after more than 14 years of service in the authority I have decided to end my tour of duty ahead of my contractural period with immediate effect.” 

He enumerated some of the positions he had held in the evolving tax body, “I have been privileged to serve in the customs, tax investigations and domestic taxes in addition to holding the WCO chairmanship, chairman board of trustees URA staff retirement benefits scheme, among others.” 

On his Twitter handle @Kateshd, he said he was particularly proud to oversee, “18 reforms in customs in 5 years,” had no regrets at the time of his departure and would carry the URA experience and knowledge into his, “next occupation.” 

Kateshumbwa has been a senior manager at the Uganda Revenue Authority since 2011. 

His departure comes exactly two months to the day when his former boss, the URA’s Commissioner General Doris Akol was replaced on March 29, 2020 by John Musinguzi Rujoki. 

BREAKING: Doris Akol replaced as URA Commissioner General

Akol was also let go before the end of her contract at the tax authority that President Yoweri Museveni has increasingly criticized as failing to meet performance targets. 

There are reports that 14 other commissioners and assistant commissioners have also been asked to resign from URA. Sources indicate that this was at the president’s directive. 

We will avail you the full list as more information becomes available. 

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