Kabale: Man Apologizes for Sharing Photos of Minister’s House on Facebook

Kabale: Man Apologizes for Sharing Photos of Minister’s House on Facebook

A Kabale based Facebook user, Ronald Bagyenda has apologized to the State Minister for Planning, David Bahati for sharing photos of the interior of the minister’s home on the public platform.

Mr. Bagyenda in a brief statement on his Facebook page acknowledged that it was a mistake to put private graphical details of the Minister’s home in the public.

“I recorded a statement for posting the interior pictures of Hon. David Bahati’s home and I explained how I got the pictures. I apologize for any inconveniences caused to Hon. David Bahatis his family and the public,” said Bagyenda.

The youthful Bagyenda was on Wednesday briefly questioned by Police at CID Headquarters Kibuli over sharing the pictures of the Minister’s house.

Detectives asked Bagyenda to ascertain his motive for sharing the dinning and the living room of the private residence located in Kabale district.

Police also wondered how Bagyenda managed to get to the living room and the dining of the Minister, who is also Member of Parliament for Ndorwa West.

“The quality of the pictures shared clearly show that someone took quality time to get as many pictures as possible to get the best for whatever they wanted,” said a police source.

He reportedly also had the video of the living room and dining. Bagyenda posted about his arrest on Facebook yesterday afternoon meaning he was accorded special treatment including access to his electronic gadgets.

The exterior pictures of the house were published by a number of online news outlets in 2017 and 2018. The state minister, who has been in Parliament since 2006 and served as the ruling National Resistance Movement Party Deputy Chief Whip for seven years, took a loan during the 9th Parliament to construct the village house.

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