Mao tells Kadaga she has open line to President and should have told him she did not like what he said about MPs instead of exploding in public

Mao tells Kadaga she has open line to President and should have told him she did not like what he said about MPs instead of exploding in public

Democratic Party chief Norbert Mao believes Speaker Rebecca Kadaga went over the board in attacking executive and judiciary for alleged usurping of Parliament powers.

Speaker Kadaga is facing a public backlash after she approved Shs10 Billion for MPs towards their Covid-19 activities in their constituencies.

Mao while appearing on NBS Frontline political show on Thursday night, urged: “The Speaker has an open line to the president. She can call him and tell him she didn’t like how he spoke about Parliament.”

The DP chief reminded Kadaga: “The president has more powers than the Parliament. You don’t fight with a car over a zebra crossing. You first let it pass and quarrel later. You might be right but dead wrong.”

Mao said: “The Speaker is playing the victim by saying she is being fought by the judiciary and executive. There is nothing that stops the Speaker from explaining to the president why parliamentarians should be involved in Covid-19 fight.”

He asserted: By playing the victim, she is worsening the situation. These MPs patrol the radio stations like the LDUs on the streets, they are given free airtime. What is it that they want to say that they haven’t said?

Mao tickled the speaker: “I am waiting to see what the Speaker will do with the money. She is an MP and the money has landed in her account. She is most likely to return the money or be defiant and then the fight will escalate.”

He tipped: “My only advise to the Speaker Kadaga is that when you are in a hole, stop digging. The Baganda say, “tukibasuuzizza”, we have made them drop it.”

Mao recounted: “This is the time to talk about the character of MPs, we shouldn’t only concentrate on academic documents. Some of the things some MPs say are extremely embarrassing.”

He said: “UGX 20 million is a lot of money in this crisis. If it is that little, why the fuss?”

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