”Take It From Me You Don’t Want To Get This Virus”…22 Year Old Who Tested positive For Covid-19 Narrate How Painful It Is To Suffer From The Deadly Disease
There is no doubt that Covid-19 is a very contagious disease which has claimed many lives across the globe in such a short period of time.
It is only 3 months since it was first detected in Wuhan China but the monster virus has already claimed over 30,000 lives world over
Even with the scary fatality rate rising by the day,some Ugandans have developed a mentality that this disease doesn’t infect and kill Black Africans
Well in a bid to bring you up to speed with how serious and deadly the virus can be, we have brought you a story of one of the corona survivors in US narrating how horrible the Coronavirus can be when you eventually catch it;
Below is the narration;
I’m 22 and I tested positive for COVID-19. Take it from me you do not want to catch this.Hopefully hearing about my experience will help the rest of you to stay home
The first couple of days of symptoms were manageable. I had a fever, a mild cough, chills, headache,runny nose.Since i had been to Europe, they allowed me to get tested for my second day of symptoms.
By the third day, I couldn’t keep anything down.I was vomiting constantly. I couldn’t sleep, I obviously couldn’t eat.At this point, i still didn’t have my test result back
by the 4 day day my results came back positive. I developed shortness of breath. It’s scary, it feels like your lungs are shallow and you can’t take a proper breath. I was weak, had a 102 degree fever and rising
5th day. Things got worse and worse. I had never been this ill in my entire life. I was genuinely afraid I would die because that is what it felt like
By the 6th day of symptoms, i was so weak i couldn’t even walk. I crawled to the bathroom to vomit. I became so dehydrated i called 911, and they took me in ambulance to the emergency room. I stayed there for a day where they re hydrated me an got some ant nausea meds.
7-11th day of symptoms:ER again. I had never been that weak or fatigued by fever in my life. I either violently shivered in bed all day or would wake up in a literal puddle of my own sweat. I couldn’t eat for 9 days. I was completely miserable.
Right now I am on my 12th day of symptoms and I have my apetite back but the end is no where in sight. I still have all the major symptoms.
A coronavirus diagnosis is dehumanizing and lonely and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. You aren’t invincible just because you’re in your 20’s. Take it from me and quarantine like your life depends on it
The post ”Take It From Me You Don’t Want To Get This Virus”…22 Year Old Who Tested positive For Covid-19 Narrate How Painful It Is To Suffer From The Deadly Disease appeared first on Galaxy FM 100.2.
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