UCC Warns Pastors on Abusive Media Programming

UCC Warns Pastors on Abusive Media Programming

Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has warned city pastors that use their religious Television and radio channels to insult and defame other pastors.

The Commission, on Wednesday 12th of February hosted a number of city pastors at the UCC offices in Bugolobi where they discussed regulations that they must follow in the day today running of their channels.

According to UCC officials, the commission had observed that many pastors have embarked on having preaching proceedings as the dominant broadcast content and using the same to attack and insult each other.

“Today we engaged a section of leading pastors on broadcasting programs that are likely to cause religious disharmony,” UCC stated in a social media statement.

Some of the pastors that attended the meeting include Pastor Bujingo Aloysius of House of Prayer and Salt Television, Joseph Serwadda of Victory Church Ndeeba, Jackson Senyonga of Christian Life Ministry and Top TV, Mondo Mugisha of Empowerment Christian Centre Church and, Deo Ssemakula of Holly Ghost Church among others

Currently, Uganda has over 15 Christian TV stations owned by different pastors.

These pastors have continuously used those channels to fight each other. A number of pastors have taken their counterparts to courts of law for defamation.

According to the Uganda Communication Act of 2013, an individual who uses a media platform to defame or insult another risks their license being cancelled by UCC

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